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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. L

    Silicon Molds

    HI All, Can you pour your melted hot soap from the microwave into silicon molds? Are they the best molds for Melt and Pour? Thanks!
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    Soap Making and Pregnancy

    Does anyone know if you can make soap while pregnant or trying to conceive? I'm asking because of the contact with the it safe to wear a mask or is that enough? Can breathing in lye harm the fetus?
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    Sugar crystals for lip balms

    Does anyone know where to get those colored sugar crystals for lip balms? I'm trying to get into this hobby and see if I'm good at it. (while making it look pretty at the same time. ) Any suggestions would help!
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    Large Bath Bombs

    Hey, Does anyone know how to make large bombs and who sells the large bomb molds? Also, why do some recipes recommend corn starch? What is the purpose and is it safe? Thanks!
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    Mad Hatter Soap Company

    Does anyone know what happened to them???
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    What is this??

    Can someone tell me what Titanium Dioxide is and what Tin Dioxide is and if they are harmful? I know Titanium Dioxide is used to make a soap bar white but why would you put it in a bar that is colored? I dont understand..someone pls fill me in?
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    Japanese Bath Bomb Maker

    Does anyone have one of these machines from Japan? If so is it used to make a lot at a time or is it quicker to do them by hand if you have a lot? Thanks!!
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    Bath Bombs

    Can you put Essential Oils in Bath Bombs or will they make the tub slippery? Also, what exactly is Titanium Dioxide?? I see it used in everything? Where would I purchase it from?? Thanks!!
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    Best EO help please!

    Can someone tell me what is the best EO to blend with Coconut Oil? Thanks!
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    Sugar and Salt Srubs!

    Can anyone tell me the best suppliers for salt and sugar scrubs? Which is the best salt to use? I see Himalayan salt, tropical sea salt, ect.. very confusing! What about sugar? Thanks for your help!
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    Is it ok to use cornstarch in bath bombs? I heard they can cause yeast this true?
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    Bath Bomb question

    HI, Does anyone know if cornstarch is harmful to use in bath bombs? I read that it can cause yeast infections in women. Any truth to this? For the people who do use cornstartch, what is its purpose? Does it make the bomb float better? Also, what is better to use in your spritz...
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    Things that are "Vegan"

    Can someone tell me please what does Vegan mean? What is in soaps/lip balms/bath bombs that are vegan? Thanks!
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    You have got to be kidding me!

    I do not understand why companies like Lush use Sodium Laureth Sulfate in their bath products KNOWING how dangerous it is. It is one of the top ten cancer causing chemicals and we women are sitting it in our baths??? Knowing that if you use bath bombs and bubble bath with Sodoium Laureth Sulfate...
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    Are We Allowed to do this?

    Hi Everyone, I just wanted to know if we are allowed to give our opinions or make statements about what we feel certain handmade businesses are doing that we feel are wrong? Are we allowed to say which companies we like or dislike on here?Are we allowed to say what companies we have bought...
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    Wooden Soap Molds!

    Can anyone tell me what the Standard Size for the store bought wooden molds are? I need the dimensions.. Also, which ones are the best to buy when starting out? Thanks!
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    Can anyone tell me where I can get really great Bath bomb molds in all different shapes? Thanks!
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    Why would someone use Lard in making soap? Isn't this animal fat? Is Lard also what is called Tallow or Tallowate? Is the "Vegan" soap the one that is free of any animal fats? What would be the benefit of using lard? Thanks all! Lisa
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    Learning Bath Bombs

    Hi Everyone, I am new to this board. I would like to learn how to make bath bombs..are there any tricks or things I should know before I get started? I know you need to buy Borax and Citric Acid. Does anyone know of good supplies to buy from for molds and such? Thanks, Lisa