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  1. F

    Lumpy Castille soap

    Hi everyone! This is an update on my lumpy Castille soap, I unmolded it last night and it looks like it's going to be just fine. The top of the soap was still lumpy, but when I cut into the bars, I looked for lye pockets or seeping and there isn't any. The inside of the bars and the...
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    Lumpy Castille soap

    Thank you so much everyone! I had a feeling it might be the FO but I wasn't sure and wanted to check with you more experienced soapers. Ah, thank you for the tip on Michael"s scents and colours, I won't be using it again in my CP soap. I have found some good reputable suppliers since so I...
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    Lumpy Castille soap

    You are right again, this goes to show me never ask for help after midnight, I'm just too tired. The recipe was 6 oz of water to 3 oz of lye. When I was looking again at the recipe to type it out here, I combined two of my Castille recipes into the one. I'm very sorry. It's good to know that...
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    Lumpy Castille soap

    Thank you IrisLass! Oh, I'm sorry, it's an FO, I'm used to using my essential oil that I assumed it was one too, but it's not. I got it at Michael's Craft store less than a year ago now. It was with the other soap making tools, the moulds, the melt and pour soap, cutters and other...
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    Lumpy Castille soap

    Hi Everyone, I haven't been back here in awhile, but I have made some soaps since the first time I had posted over a year ago now. I have made a few Castille soaps recently scented with Lavender essential oil, just small batches and they turned out well. They are still curing, so I...
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    Dropped my phone in the soap!!!

    I have also heard that if you put a phone into rice it can help dry it out and perhaps save it. My sister has also dropped hers in the toilet a lot.
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    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I checked out my newest batch of soap I made yesterday and decided to let it sit in the mold until tomorrow. It is my first attempt at colours and so far it looks pretty. I hope when I un-mold them the colours will be all through the soap. I also watched more soap making and colouring videos...
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    New soap maker needing some advice

    I have used the advice of making notes about my recipes. I have a small notebook I keep with my soap making supplies and write down the recipes, the percentages and instructions on how I made the batch. I'm waiting on the cures for the first two batches to see how those recipes turned out.
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    How to Clean up After a Spill in kitchen

    For the two batches I have made so far, I wear those sleeves that go over your arms. I got them from my spouse's work; he deals with chemicals at his work and it's what they use there. When I pour the soap batter into my molds, I have them in a kitty litter box. It's tough thick plastic and...
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    Hi everyone

    Thank you for the welcome! This is a great forum and very helpful so far!
  11. F

    Hi everyone

    Hi everyone, I'n new to soaping and I found this forum during my research phase. I have been doing a lot of reading and studying about recipes and the types of oils and how they benefit the soap. I have since made 2 batches of CP soap and just waiting for them to cure to see how they turn...
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    Is it undissolved lye in my soap?

    Hi everyone, I zap tested my coffee soap and it didn't zap. I'm glad that it's air bubbles! Thanks again!
  13. F

    Is it undissolved lye in my soap?

    Thank you everyone for your help. I will definitely zap test it to make sure it's ok.
  14. F

    Is it undissolved lye in my soap?

    Hi Austin, Thank you so much for replying! It eases my mind to know it is most likely air bubbles. I was thinking I might have to throw it out or try to re-batch it. It was poured at a thin trace. I thought for awhile it wasn't going to trace at all, it took awhile. Thank you, I...
  15. F

    Is it undissolved lye in my soap?

    Hi everyone, I'm brand new to soap making and did my second batch of CP soap last Saturday. It is a coffee, olive oil, coconut oil and grapeseed oil soap. It looks and smells great. I do know there is soap ash on the top and I hope I can get rid of, but there are also small, white dots on top...