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    • Zoo
      x my name is monet (mo-nay). the rest of my name isn't any easier to pronounce, spell or remember. (a warning to parents who get...
    • Zoo
      Zoo reacted to Relle's post in the thread Grams vs. Ounces with Like Like.
      1.6 kls per mile and 2.2 pounds per kilo, see I can convert lol, but don't really need to, I don't travel to the US and all other...
    • Zoo
      Zoo reacted to VikingChick's post in the thread Grams vs. Ounces with Like Like.
      I can do really rough conversions in my head, but I do get confused because there are approximately 2 km in a mile, but approximately 2...
    • Zoo
      Zoo reacted to MomInWA's post in the thread Grams vs. Ounces with Like Like.
      American here, also remember "The metric is coming, the metric is coming!" Yet, it never did. Why? I think we are stuck in our ways...
    • Zoo
      Zoo replied to the thread Grams vs. Ounces.
      Scales, in general, have a microcontroller to accurately add the data coming from 1 or more pressure sensors (usually 3 or 4). That data...
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