Zebra ZP450 thermal printer labels

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Feb 20, 2013
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I'm looking for a reputable supplier of shipping labels on a roll for a Zebra thermal printer. The printer looks like this: http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=zebra+zp+450

Labels are 4 inches wide and 6 inches long. They are an adhesive peel-and-stick type and the backing they come on is kind of like a tough waxed paper with perforations between each label. The labels come on a roll with a 1 inch diameter core with somewhere between 250 and 450 labels per roll.

I am overwhelmed by the different prices and the huge number of suppliers selling these labels on Amazon and the like. Some suppliers get down-rated for their labels not being very thick and/or not having good adhesive. It seems nearly impossible to know which suppliers provide a good product vs. a marginal to average product.

Anyone have a supplier to recommend? I'd rather pay a few pennies more for a good product from a good supplier and not have problems.


Did you find a vendor?

Here is some information for someone that may be able to use it.

I buy all my electronics from www.newegg.com. I own an online Bead Store. I have bought my last two Zebras from them. I do bargain shop but there is nothing like peace of mind when you are spending this kind of money. New Egg gives me that. Will include pictures of my printers.

For all my labels I use Tigerseal. They have all types of labels. There are the permanent kind and the ones that fade overtime. You have to know which ones you want or call them. They will help you with what you need. These people are fantastic and their customer service is top of the line. http://tigersealproducts.com/?gclid...FrxQozSVtsERrLnJFKX9cWsN-uIF0Xlg3waAr-n8P8HAQ

Disclaimer: I do not get any commission from any of these vendors. This post is based on the good experience of using these vendors for years. =)

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Thanks, Serene and Seawolfe -- I will follow up with your suggestions. I used NewEgg many years ago for computer stuff, but it's been a good long while and I'd forgotten about them.

Tigerseal is new to me -- I will definitely check out their products. The ones that came last year with my Zebra have worked well, but I don't want to be stuck with this one supplier. I'm getting a vibe that, while reputable folks, the owners might be on their way to retirement.

And buying this stuff through Amazon ... well, my new year's resolution is to do less business with the Amazon behemoth and deal directly with more suppliers.