Yes, another "Is this OK?" label thread...

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May 7, 2015
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Chatta-Vegas, TN
I bought some card stock to make labels for my soaps. I want to put "This soap was hand made on (date) at (my address) with olive oil, lard, water, Shea butter, sodium hydroxide..." You get the picture. Then I can hand write the weight of each bar as I bag it.

I "think" that covers the legal things regarding labeling; however, I don't really know for sure. And since I'm not actually selling the soap, just gifting it, I'm not sure how technically accurate I need to be. Although, some of these soaps are actually being "re-gifted" by my friend's MIL.

So, Great and Wise Ones, what do y'all think? TIA!!
Ditto what Susie said. The labeling legalities only apply to soaps that are being sold (at least here in the USA).

I don't sell either, but I do gift a lot. My creative side loves playing with label designs and I like to include everything on there that one might find on a 'real' label.....just to get into the practice should I ever decide to sell.....which will most likely be never in a billion years, but it's still fun to do nevertheless...kind of like playing 'house' when I was little. lol

IrishLass :)