Wool Wash Bar with Lanolin?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2009
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I am not even sure if Wool Wash Bar soap is a cold process bar or a m&p...

I have heard the use of 20%-30% lanolin. I need someone to nudge me in the right direction so I can formulate one to put in super cute sheep molds (not that it hasn't been done, but its something 'I' want to do).

Thanks Everyone!
are you a CDer?!?!? I LOVE Woollybottoms and abbyslane has always been my go to CD store!

I also have the solid lanolin versus the liquid wax that soapcalc offers on the SAP values...I think I have enough info to try and formulate a recipe - thanks!
Bukawww said:
are you a CDer?!?!? I LOVE Woollybottoms and abbyslane has always been my go to CD store!

I also have the solid lanolin versus the liquid wax that soapcalc offers on the SAP values...I think I have enough info to try and formulate a recipe - thanks!

No Kids yet...but that's the route I want to go. Everyone thinks I'm crazy! I just found these links from doing research. I've had several people ask for CD wash.
i think, and i mean only think that if you add much lanolin to m&p you will have a very nasty sticky mess, that is because you can only add about 1 tbs per lb of oil. and lanolin is sticky.

jan in palatka
I have only made wool wash in CP (I've never done M & P)
It worked well. Did you try it with M & P? I'm interested (I'm not longer CDing, she uses the toilet now).