Where to find ~ 2.25 x 3 inch molds?

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Jan 14, 2014
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The bar shape I have now is mostly square; I love the look of tall and skinny bars but don't like washing with them. The 2.25 x 3 ish size would be a nice compromise. Do you know of any molds (that do not require freezer paper lining!) and don't cost an arm and a leg....because I'll want at least 2 of them.
I use the Nurture silicone/wood molds. They aren't terribly pricey. I get the basic molds and have no problem getting the soaps out. My cured soaps are a bit about 2.25 x 3.25 ish.
I have the nurture molds too. Their silicone is lovely. I made my own timber boxes to save money (including postage!!)

Or wholesale supplies has single cavity molds that are pretty close. Only problem is that the good sized bars have ridges on the bottom of the mold or curved corners.
I didn't specify that I was looking for molds that make taller rather than longer bars - are Nurture's molds like that?

eta: found them on website - they look wider, not taller. Wish I wasn't so picky, but I really want taller bars.
Nurture’s 2.5 lb tall & skinny mold is 2.2 wide by 3.75 tall. I have the 4.5 lb one which is 2.5 wide by 4.5 tall. I love it.

Also, I just saw that Mighty Molds (member here Joey G) has just launched their tall and skinny mold. http://mightymolds.com/2018/03/01/the-mighty-molds-tall-and-skinny-loaf-soap-mold/
I have the prototype, and it is a great mold, although maybe not the dimensions you want. I like it because it keeps my bar size consistent to my other loaf molds.
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If cost is a concern, which I gather from your original post, but you don't want to line with freezer paper, then it's going to be tough to find a T&S mold to fit your needs. I searched last year myself and just had no luck finding one at a low enough cost to warrant purchase considering I did not plan to use it often. However, if you plan constant use for these molds, perhaps the higher cost is worth it.

If you have an existing mold that is tall enough, you can convert the width (narrowness of the bars) the way I did when I wanted to make a T&S soap. See this thread on that project.

If you just prefer to purchase and not re-purpose one you already have, there are cheaper versions of T&S molds if you do a Google search (or search engine of your choice). Here are a couple I found available currently, but shipping is not included:

AliExpress T&S molds for under $16.00 US

eBay has this one listed, but the shipping is more than the mold.

Or you can make your own for the price of a sheet of corrugated plastic as shown in this video:
I wondered if those style of molds would bulge. Do the shorter, wider ones bulge as well?
I kind of figured if I bought those style of molds I would have to make a frame of some sort to keep them straight.

Unfortunately the shorter one does too, just not as much as the T&S. But everyone is not as particular as me!

It is really, really difficult to build a frame for them because the thickened supports on the sides are on a slope. I tried but I just couldn’t do it. I still use them but only when desperate. They are a great size, the silicone is excellent and they unmold easily.

I bought super slick, perfectly square nurture molds and easily made a timber box to fit them. They are beautiful molds.
I have the 2.5 lb tall and skinny mold liner from nurture and as Dibbles said it is 2.2 x 3.7 inches tall. I think on the site it says it's 2.6 inches tall, https://nurturesoap.com/collections...2-5-pound-tall-and-skinny-mini-silicone-liner must be a typo. Nurture molds (liners) are really nice, and I love the tall and skinny size. I'm thinking I need a 4.5 lb one.:)

Nurture have two T&S molds. 4.5 llb One 2.5 wide x 4.5 inches tall and 2.5 llb one 2.2 wide x 3.75 inches tall. It says 2.6 on the liner only link but if you look on the liner with mold link it gives the right height of 3.75.

I got the extra tall one so I could choose the height of the soap I made and so I could do textured tops and still cover my mold.
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