I just love handmade goat milk soap, and was a regular purchaser from my favorite maker. Forever and ever I would tell my friends that once I retire, I’m going to make it myself. Well, one of my friends got me a M&P goat milk soap kit for Christmas and said why wait, go for it. I tried M&P for a while but it turned out to being a gateway soap

. Soon I started researching CP soap. I watched soap queen videos and read her site from top to bottom, and did research here for a few months before I ordered some BB supplies and made my first batch with a BB quick mix. Needless to say, I was hooked, and this forum and the amazing members have helped me so much, and I continue to learn from being here.
At first, I kept saying I ONLY make soap - hahahahhaaaa - now I love making other bath & body things, too.