Hi and welcome! I am still a baby soapmaker with right around 25 small batches under my belt. My first passion is dairy goats, so I thought goat milk soap would be a fun way to use extra milk. (If using up gallons of extra milk is your soapmaking goal, you're better off making cheese and yogurt instead of using 10 oz at a time making soap!)
I started by watching tons of youtube and Brambleberry videos. My husband bought me a Brambleberry kit for Christmas that ended up sitting in the closet until the next Christmas when I finally made my first CP soap. I followed the directions, except I substituted frozen goat milk for the water. After that, I learned to use a
soap calculator, joined this forum and have been working on perfecting a recipe I like while learning fun techniques.
While YouTube videos are very helpful, nothing can replace the help that is found on this Soapmaking Forum. The ladies and gentlemen here are so kind, helpful and encouraging, and you'll learn more from them than anyone else!
Warning. I have NEVER been a person who thought twice about anything "bath and body." I'm in my mid 40s, my hair is turning gray, my skin is wrinkling and I don't give a hoot about any of it. But since I started making soap, I have suddenly become a soap snob and I can't stand using grocery store detergent bars or even nice melt-and-pour. Even my 10-year-old son exclaimed that he washes his hands a lot more than he used to because he likes my soap, and it takes pitch off his hands after he helps his dad on the sawmill. When little boys start washing voluntarily, you know you've got to keep making more soap!