What soapy thing have you done today?

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@MomInWA, I actually thought your pink soap was a pretty color and would have been happy with it the way it was, but this is really a beautiful and dramatic result, I love the colors.
@not_ally Thank you! Since I had a large amount to rebatch, I’ve been breaking it into chunks and experimenting. I still have a bit left I’m debating what to do with. I’d like to practice a swirl technique and have been down that rabbit hole on YouTube. Just need a window of time to open up.

I'm trying to decide if I want to try the splash swirl again just because or just do an ITPS with the colors ~ but I still have some more purple clay left and I want to make something pretty for my mom with that purple clay. I also need a light colored fluid base recipe so I need some light colored liquid oils because I have EVOO for days (lots and lots!), I have some rosehip seed oil (which is a rich amber color), and some sweet almond oil (but not much, an ounce or 2 maybe). Decisions decisions 🤷🏼‍♀️😁
The recipe I used from @ScentimentallyYours is a white base and plays well with color. It doesn't have EVOO in it though. Please post pictures when you make something for your mom! I'd love to see it!
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Had my first experience of accelerating trace due to fragrance. The fragrance totally turned into like a wet clay consistency! As soon as it hit the lightly traced soap batter. Definitely a bummer! But I was very happy with my in-the-pot swirl. After I cut the soap, there was still pockets of the weird wet clay stuff! So, now it's on to soaping at a lower temp to see if that works. Wintergreen EO, for those wondering. Fun!
Had my first experience of accelerating trace due to fragrance. The fragrance totally turned into like a wet clay consistency! As soon as it hit the lightly traced soap batter. Definitely a bummer! But I was very happy with my in-the-pot swirl. After I cut the soap, there was still pockets of the weird wet clay stuff! So, now it's on to soaping at a lower temp to see if that works. Wintergreen EO, for those wondering. Fun!
Please be aware that there are significant safety concerns when using wintergreen EO.

Wintergreen Essential Oil Safety Information​

Use sparingly if at all. Numerous reports of poisoning have occurred. Tisserand and Young warn that Wintergreen Essential Oil poses a hazard for toxicity, drug interaction, it can inhibit blood clotting, and high doses are teratogenic (harmful to fetuses and embryos). Avoid use of Wintergreen with children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding and by those taking anticoagulant medication. They recommend a dermal maximum of 2.4% and advise to use with caution with skin that is sensitive or damaged. Reading Tisserand and Young's full profile is recommended. [Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 469.]
Please be aware that there are significant safety concerns when using wintergreen EO.

Wintergreen Essential Oil Safety Information​

Use sparingly if at all. Numerous reports of poisoning have occurred. Tisserand and Young warn that Wintergreen Essential Oil poses a hazard for toxicity, drug interaction, it can inhibit blood clotting, and high doses are teratogenic (harmful to fetuses and embryos). Avoid use of Wintergreen with children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding and by those taking anticoagulant medication. They recommend a dermal maximum of 2.4% and advise to use with caution with skin that is sensitive or damaged. Reading Tisserand and Young's full profile is recommended. [Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 469.]
I concur on the wintergreen eo with this caveat: Tisserand's usage levels are aimed at massage therapists & aromatherapy, and when he says dermal he means topical, not rinse-off, unless otherwise specified (I have that book).

I have never soaped it, it is I think a notorious seizer, and I'd defer to the manufacturer's safety limits, which might be higher... or much lower.. than Tisserand's.
I concur on the wintergreen eo with this caveat: Tisserand's usage levels are aimed at massage therapists & aromatherapy, and when he says dermal he means topical, not rinse-off, unless otherwise specified (I have that book).

I have never soaped it, it is I think a notorious seizer, and I'd defer to the manufacturer's safety limits, which might be higher... or much lower.. than Tisserand's.
Great points, and thank you for clarifying, @paradisi. I think the biggest concern for me is the issue of blood thinners, since that's such a common medication, at least in the US.
Had my first experience of accelerating trace due to fragrance. The fragrance totally turned into like a wet clay consistency! As soon as it hit the lightly traced soap batter. Definitely a bummer! But I was very happy with my in-the-pot swirl. After I cut the soap, there was still pockets of the weird wet clay stuff! So, now it's on to soaping at a lower temp to see if that works. Wintergreen EO, for those wondering. Fun!
Hey, Andy! Just FYI in case you're not familiar, I get my usage rates from Find Blends - EO Calc - Essential Oil Calculator , it's a great site.
I've got a 5lb loaf of Aloe ZNSB under cover and I'm praying this loaf turns out well. I suspect the DOS starting to show up on my previous loaf might've been courtesy of a new stainless frothing pitcher I bought on Amazon for my lye solution. That's literally the only thing I did different with that batch.
Had my first experience of accelerating trace due to fragrance. The fragrance totally turned into like a wet clay consistency! As soon as it hit the lightly traced soap batter. Definitely a bummer! But I was very happy with my in-the-pot swirl. After I cut the soap, there was still pockets of the weird wet clay stuff! So, now it's on to soaping at a lower temp to see if that works. Wintergreen EO, for those wondering. Fun!

I use wintergreen in a forest-type blend of essential oils for one of my soaps that's more 'masculine' in scent. I mix it with several other essential oils, such as Siberian fir + +, and have never experienced this happening. But, I do make my slurry using my essential oils, as always, so that may make a difference. Might be worth trying.
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I've got a 5lb loaf of Aloe ZNSB under cover and I'm praying this loaf turns out well. I suspect the DOS starting to show up on my previous loaf might've been courtesy of a new stainless frothing pitcher I bought on Amazon for my lye solution. That's literally the only thing I did different with that batch.
I have used the same stainless frothing pitcher for over 8 years without any problems. FWIW, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had DOS and ZNSB was one of them. I made two batches and one got DOS and the other didn't.
I have used the same stainless frothing pitcher for over 8 years without any problems. FWIW, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had DOS and ZNSB was one of them. I made two batches and one got DOS and the other didn't.
I have made dozens of batches of ZNSB and this is the first batch to get DOS. It's only the second time I've ever gotten DOS (my first was in a home rendered tallow soap 2 years ago). Since these were supposed to be Christmas gifts, the timing couldn't have been worse. After only the one use, the frothing pitcher now has a goldish/light brown colored ring around the inner bottom, which is why I'm suspicious and chose to replicate the exact recipe and quantities minus the frothing pitcher last night. I might chance it again in a smaller test batch after the start of the new year, but for now, it's on my no-no bad list.
I have made dozens of batches of ZNSB and this is the first batch to get DOS. It's only the second time I've ever gotten DOS (my first was in a home rendered tallow soap 2 years ago). Since these were supposed to be Christmas gifts, the timing couldn't have been worse. After only the one use, the frothing pitcher now has a goldish/light brown colored ring around the inner bottom, which is why I'm suspicious and chose to replicate the exact recipe and quantities minus the frothing pitcher last night. I might chance it again in a smaller test batch after the start of the new year, but for now, it's on my no-no bad list.
Just a thought, because I don't know where you bought your frothing pitcher from, but I've noticed there are a lot of metal products out there being called "stainless steel" when in fact they are not, and you just don't know for sure until you get them in hand 😕 I've noticed a lot of this on Amazon and eBay because the Chinese sellers use a bunch of tag words in their descriptions, sometimes to point of contradicting themselves ~ like using every known metal in the description, well it can't be all of them 😆 Plus, true stainless isn't cheap ~ no matter the size. I've been trying to change out my metal beads and clasps for jewelry making from sterling to stainless for years, but stainless steel beads are freaking expensive and size variations can be hard to find. When I was looking for a stainless steel bowl for soap making I was thinking to myself I could buy a lot of stainless steel beads and clasps for this amount of money! 🤣
Just a thought, because I don't know where you bought your frothing pitcher from, but I've noticed there are a lot of metal products out there being called "stainless steel" when in fact they are not, and you just don't know for sure until you get them in hand 😕 I've noticed a lot of this on Amazon and eBay because the Chinese sellers use a bunch of tag words in their descriptions, sometimes to point of contradicting themselves ~ like using every known metal in the description, well it can't be all of them 😆 Plus, true stainless isn't cheap ~ no matter the size. I've been trying to change out my metal beads and clasps for jewelry making from sterling to stainless for years, but stainless steel beads are freaking expensive and size variations can be hard to find. When I was looking for a stainless steel bowl for soap making I was thinking to myself I could buy a lot of stainless steel beads and clasps for this amount of money! 🤣

Yep, I bought it on Amazon. It's stamped underneath as 304 stainless, but I'm suspicious. Here's the link to the exact one I purchased.

homEdge Espresso Steaming... Amazon.com
Yep, I bought it on Amazon. It's stamped underneath as 304 stainless, but I'm suspicious. Here's the link to the exact one I purchased.

homEdge Espresso Steaming... Amazon.com
It would seem to be stainless if it carries the mark ~ but I don't know why it would be discoloring inside. And I would have expected that piece to be stainless steel if I bought it also, judging from the ad. It's so hard to tell nowadays.
Also, stainless is notorious for showing water spots so every piece of stainless steel I've ever handled (when I worked in restaurants), had to be hand dried if it would be seen by customers, like all the flatware, but not if it stayed in the kitchen. I keep the hand drying tradition alive in my kitchen because I hate the water spots. Maybe the discoloration is from residual dampness inside? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Or maybe it had some kind of finish on it that wasn't specified? It's so hard to guess, but if it's affecting the soap, I would relegate the pitcher to a different duty, like watering the plants! 😁
I have made dozens of batches of ZNSB and this is the first batch to get DOS. It's only the second time I've ever gotten DOS (my first was in a home rendered tallow soap 2 years ago). Since these were supposed to be Christmas gifts, the timing couldn't have been worse. After only the one use, the frothing pitcher now has a goldish/light brown colored ring around the inner bottom, which is why I'm suspicious and chose to replicate the exact recipe and quantities minus the frothing pitcher last night. I might chance it again in a smaller test batch after the start of the new year, but for now, it's on my no-no bad list.
Yep, I bought it on Amazon. It's stamped underneath as 304 stainless, but I'm suspicious. Here's the link to the exact one I purchased.

homEdge Espresso Steaming... Amazon.com
It sounds like the pitcher could be a problem. The one I have has discolored - darker as stainless does - but not to brown/gold. I specifically looked for 18/10 stainless and maybe I got lucky that the seller was selling what they claimed. This is the one I have.
Thank you all for the information on Wintergreen. I didn't know about health hazards until researching it after my soap fiasco. I am a little concerned because it is going to an elderly family member as a gift. Also younger people that may also be on blood thinners. I used 3.1% (per SoapCalc's default .5 oz per lb). I really look forward to the challenge of using it, but may go half or third with another EO. It's just my most Christmas-y fragrance! And I have so much EO FO to use up. Thanks again!!!
Thank you all for the information on Wintergreen. I didn't know about health hazards until researching it after my soap fiasco. I am a little concerned because it is going to an elderly family member as a gift. Also younger people that may also be on blood thinners. I used 3.1% (per SoapCalc's default .5 oz per lb). I really look forward to the challenge of using it, but may go half or third with another EO. It's just my most Christmas-y fragrance! And I have so much EO FO to use up. Thanks again!!!
I went through this with a wintergreen-spearmint blend, going with the 3% default on SoapCalc, then learned that I should have checked it against the scent calc. I'm going to keep it for myself; I have no reaction to it, and I'm hoping that over time as the EO evaporates, that it might be usable by others as well.

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