What did YOU do today?

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Aug 26, 2015
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
Weekends are my unwind time; anyone who knows me knows that one of my favourite ways to unwind is to spend time in my kitchen. It's 2:00 p.m. now and so far today I've:
  1. Made Rhubarb Cobbler with rhubarb from the garden
  2. Made two loaves of Sourdough Whole Wheat bread
  3. Made a batch of biscuits to go along with lunch
  4. Started a batch of fermented cranberries
  5. Started the back ribs for dinner
  6. Two loads of laundry (with one hung on the line outside in the gorgeous sunshine)
  7. Three loads of dishes (I don't have a dishwasher)
Now to decide what to have with the ribs.
What did YOU do?
A lazy day for me compared to yours. :) So far...

-one load of laundry
-washed dishes by hand (I have a dishwasher , but I use it as storage for my homemade canned goods)
-piano practice (Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, 1st movement...it's getting there. Finally got the finger choreography down and can play it all the way through to the end, albeit painfully s-l-o-w. :eek: Now to concentrate on the dynamics and picking up the tempo some. Maybe by Christmas it might be good enough to play it in front of family. lol

Need to do...

-more laundry
-go to the water/ice store
-tend to my garden
-clean the bathrooms
-go grocery shopping
-more piano practice

First I have to get off the forum..... :p

IrishLass :)
Church, followed by the monthly church "brown bag lunch". A sewing friend stopped by to measure Omni's prom dress for alterations. Helped Omni paint her mask for prom. Brief nap. Now we're all watching Dancing with the Stars before the new episode airs tomorrow.
@Misschief i AM moving next door !!!! love rhubarb !

I got 4 batches of soap done.
played with MP Sugar Scrub cubes.
cleaned chicken poop from coop
Washing machine decided Not to spin dry the 4 fleece robes so I had to hand wring them... I got very wet.
Got to eat Dinner with DD together (amazing)
Well, you guys were productive, I've got to applaud your energy. Yesterday (Saturday) I took a muscle relaxant (persistant back pain for several days) and ended up sleeping almost the whole day. By evening, though, my back was so much better, I was pretty happy about that.

Today (Sunday) I drove 570 miles on my 1800 mile trip to Las Vegas. Monday will be a shorter drive , followed by a longer drive on Tuesday and then another shorter drive on Wednesday. Surprisingly, my back handled the drive much better than I could have hoped. Although when I got out of the car at my first stop, I was quite stiff and had difficulty walking normally, the next few stops were not as difficult. I plan to soak in a hot tub to relieve some of my stiffness, though. That usually helps after extensive activity, so it should help with this, too.
I woke up to an almost empty Koi pond :( but because of that I got to Clean out eh slime in it, pet the fishies (yes, pet them haha) .
Went to 3 different plant stores for new plantings around the pond.
Planted most of said plants.
Dropped off 5 huge cardboard boxes to the dump recycle.
Picked Spearmint and Lemon Balm from garden and enjoying some warm ( I couldn't wait) refreshing tea.
Going to make baked potatoes with all the fixin's soon.
Glad I wasn't the only one cleaning slime today. :) Spent the afternoon outside washing/scrubbing down my aeroponic Tower Garden and also my flood & drain hydroponic system, then storing them away for the summer (way too hot in my neck of the woods to keep them running during summer). I'll set them back up in late August/early September.

IrishLass :)
Thank goodness no! LOL I grew up in New Bedford, MA and as a child I loved the snow. When I was 14, we moved 3,000 miles away to hot desert country......too early yet to have gotten my driver's permit or a job, and therefore to early to have ever experienced the lovely frustration of having to dig a car out of the snow or to have to drive through it to get to work on time. I don't know, but as an adult, I don't think I would have the quite same appreciation for it that I had as a child. LOL As a funny aside, we fortuitously moved away from MA just a few days before the catastrophic blizzard of '78 hit. My sis got caught in it, though, because she chose to stay behind with my grandmother to finish out the last semester of her senior year of high school.

IrishLass :)
Let's see... I made a batch of rhubarb muffins, the bulk of which are now in the freezer, bottled my water kefir (blackberry lavender), went to a nursery with my husband to pick up some more bedding plants, planted them all when we got home, then prepped my soap while he did the dishes. Soap has been made and now I'm thinking about dinner while John washes the Jeep. He was feeling guilty about being totally unproductive today (it's just past 5:30).

Today's been a relatively quiet day, really.
So far i woke up, started the dishwasher and am on my 1st cup of Java and Pizellies (sp)

It's rainy and cloudy out today so I will most likely not get much done but search the Interwebs :videovisit:

Happy Memorial day, stay sober or have someone sober drive you ;) We already had 4 fatalities this weekend :(
-Cut the grass this morning at 8am ! Best time before it gets hot and it is suppose to rain tonight/tomorrow.
-Put up 2 outside security cameras, threaded 2 wires for 2 other cameras through an underground pipe.
-Called Police on the idiots working across the street who dumped Another 10 wheel dump truck load of gravel on the street. Cops told them to get it off by noon.. idiots, left it over night last night as it is on a hair pin turn !
-Fixed roof in one of the Resin sheds so it doesn't leak.
-Organized said shed and put lawn mower in there so I can put "FM items" (tent, table, chair) into smaller shed with shorter/easier access to car.
-Went to gym, even though gym buddy didn't go
-AND grabbed a couple grocery stuffs on my way home.

Wow I got a bunch done today !

What say you ???
Granddaughter & I took a little drive today to the car wash. We passed it yesterday on our way back from the Post Office & Baskin Robbins. Driving from Illinois to Las Vegas and back East to Texas results in a very dirty bug-laden car, so finding a car wash was on my agenda for thousands of miles, actually.

Since returning from the car wash, I have been ripping ukele music from CDs I bought in Kaua'i for my ukele-playing granddaughter to listen to on her XBox. The artist told me it was okay to do so, when I bought them from her, so I am not concerned about sharing them with her.
Sitting in front of the computer all day doing nothing. The morning was quite busy though, since I had to arrange a courier to pick up my parcel full of fragrance oils far away down there in Australia. So I struggeled a bit with the online services from different companies. But I have learned that all the companies that claim they are cheaper and better than regular services, they are definately not cheaper. So no discount freight at the discount freight companies, no. The cheapest and easiest to use is Australia Post. So I could have saved myself from frustration hours in front of the computer punching in all kinds of information, only to discover that I'm out of area where they deliver, in the wrong country, too expensive, etc, etc.

I was going to plant some tulips and hyacinths outside. Just because they were on sale at the grocery store, I bought some onions, or what you call them. But I had no energy for planting today. I'm pretty sure both tulips and hyacinths will die in this climate zone. But since it was bought locally, it might work. But that is no guarantee. I bought an apple tree with red leaves once. When I came home with it and read the label, the climate zone did not match where I am. I planted it anyway, it did just grow a little bit, and eventually died after a few years. And that tree was sold from a local garden shop.

I have changed my mind, actually. I will plant the tulips and hyacinths on my grandmother's grave instead. So I hope they survive. I have no idea if they will come up year after year. They have stopped writing such things on the packages. They did wrote that they could also come up next year. I'm not sure what that means. So we'll see. Generally I don't see the point of planting things that don't come up year after year. A waste of time, labour and money.

A few days ago I helped a friend of mine planting some flowers. Not seeds, but flowers in small pots. And it was the type that dies for never to show up again. That is the only thing they sell around here. They earn more, since you have to buy new onces each year. But I told my friend - what's the point of planting this crap? She totally agreed, but lives in a house after her dead grandparents, and just until they sort out what shall be done with the house, if it will be sold or what. So she sees no point in planting something durable if she is only staying there in max one year more anyway. So it was only for her pleasure this summer. A very good point. It is by the way total war between the heirs of that house. Fake testaments and you name it. Well, it is only the aunt of my friend that is totally crazy and unbelievably greedy. But one person is enough to start a war.

I have also been filling up even more shopping carts at a handful of online places. As if I don't have enough full shopping carts here and there. I think I must have like 100 carts full of stuff. I never can deside what and where to buy stuff. But I did buy something today. I bought KOH for making liquid soap, some pigments and something else to fill up my quota for customs free import. I really can't remember what I bought. I have to check. Okey. I bought KOH + black and red oxide, kaolin clay, citric acid and sodium bicarbonate (to make sodium citrate) and PH paper, from Laborladen.de in Germany. Really cheap, 500 grams in total of iron oxides (black and red) for 3,44 Euro/$4. They don't have a lot of supplies though. I think they have a lot more that what's on their webshop, because I read that they had 30.000 chemicals.

So now I need ultramarine pigment, some micas and some clays + different natural colorants. Some shops have something you really, really want, but lacks something you really need. Other have something you need, but not something you desperately want. I wish I could find a shop that has it all. Well, oh, I remember. There is a big one in England. Maybe Bonnymans? I must check. No, that is a chemical supply store. Hmm, what is the name of the store I'm thinking about..... They have some single, square soap molds with their logo on, in blue color. It starts on H, I'm sure. Ok, intensive googling again, as if I had not done anything else today.

G Baldwin & Co, that is the name of the store. Web: Baldwins.co.uk. It was not starting with H, that is Holland&Barrett, a health food store. But Baldwin's, they have a huuuuuge lot of stuff. Maybe not to wonder, since they have traded since 1844! Well, I guess I will fill up another cart before the day is over. I am making progress, since I today did actually both fill up a cart and paid it in the same day, instead of the usual fill up and forget-method.

Now it's time for the last cup of coffee and a cigarett outdoors. It is so nice here since it is daylight even at night. But slightly dark since it is dark clouds outside. But it usually is almost as in the middle of the day. Some places even sunshine at night. That is what I love the most about the arctic summers - the total lack of depressing darkness.
Almost sold out my Chicken eggs today :eek: At first I was thinking I was over run, then my regular cust said she wanted 2 dz ;)

Did Gym and got sweaty just on the treadmill (that is all I do really) so I am happy for that.

OH and I put my clothes away from the laundry basket. Sometimes I just fold them and if I don't put them right away in the drawers they sit there. It's just my clothes
Today I will be putting the roofing tarp over the chicken run. Keep them Dry and out of the summer sun that will come soon.. maybe.

Also need to screw in the security camera, that has fallen again. At least the picture it is sending is of the area the chickens dig in. So I can still do Chicken TV ;)
It's hitting 90's today and tomorrow.

I have Black out film for windows and I am finally doing the last 7 windows on the East & South sides of the house.
I also have Dimming Reflective film that I put on the front and back picture windows . Cuts 1/2 the light and you get that fun mirror on the outside :)
I was up just after 4 AM, couldn't sleep. I watched Ransom on couchtuner and than decided I just wasn't going to get back to sleep. So I did dishes and made a blue camo soap. Than had breakfast ready for the hubster by 8 AM, waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit. Followed by getting ready for a community Church service where hubster preached. Burgers and hot dogs followed, than went up to the hospital to visit a friend who was just transferred back after major surgery. We than decided an order of sushi would be nice and now I am home.

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