Weight Watchers

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oceanmember said:
I did not know there was a Canadian board. Wow.
I just joined WW and went on their community board today to check out what people were talking about.....

Man, some poor woman asked how many points was in a bowl of soup or something and they attacked her like a pack of piranha.

So nice to be around my friendly soapers....
I did WW a couple years ago and went on the community board a lot. I'm in Canada and often people commented on how hostile the US board was. Give the canadian board a try!!!!
I've never done WW, so I'm clueless. Wow, I wonder why they're so hostile? I mean don't they all wanna help each other lose weight? Glad there's a friendlier board available...
my little bros were on it for a while when they were overweight...it def. helped them a bit...that and my mother pretty much not buying any junkfood...it was either healthfood or starve (which now I am very thankful for..)....I eat my greens!!! :)
I did weight watchers and lost over 100 pounds. It really works!!

I hope you don't let that incidence sway your thoughts about the program!

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