weight loss?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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OK, I am have started counting calories. I would like to lose 20 pounds.

The main way I plan to do this is more raw fruit, more fiber, fewer cupcakes :wink: .

Anyone else?
No cupcakes??

I'm with you. 20 by the end of the this year.

Next year.... who knows. Maybe you will start a trend.
OK, limited cupcakes :wink: .

I think everything in moderation is fine. Moderation being the key word!
I joined the gym about 6 weeks ago and went to get re measured the other day and have lost 7 cm's from my waist - really impressed!
Trouble is my broyfirend keeps making yummy gingerbread biscuits and I can't resist! lol!
Why is it every time a woman mentions she is trying to lose weight her husband/bf decides it's the perfect time to make brownies (in my case) :roll: ?
*raises hand* I gained 20 being in Vegas...Need to lose 20 by the end of the year...

Plus quitting smoking...I actually *want* to quit now.

I'm up for more raw fruit...
Tabitha said:
Why is it every time a woman mentions she is trying to lose weight her husband/bf decides it's the perfect time to make brownies (in my case) :roll: ?

Because they are evil.

I will weigh in the mroning. I havent in afew days. I wanted to lose 27 pounds. I lost 7 pounds in the first week & think I have stood still for about 10 days now :? .

Lane, how is the smoking going? I quite for good when I became prego w/ my son. He will be 7 next month. I still smoked in my dreams for about 5 years :lol: after I gave it up.
I'm sure you know this, but Liquid B complex should be your best friend right now. Also, 4 oz. of orange juice within 20 minutes of waking up raises your metabolism for the whole day. A little hot sauce on food will also raise metabolism slightly. 8-10 glasses of water a day is a *myth*. You actually need one glass per ten pounds you weigh (so 15 glasses a day if you weigh 150lbs) That's *minimum* - what your body needs.. the more you drink after that, is just saturating fat cells so they will actually float around and flush out of you without actually burning them off. Oxygen helps metabolize sugar - it's proven that you can lose weight just by breathing - so start taking deeper breaths and more of them. And lastly, of course is the negative calorie foods - foods burn more calories chewing and swallowing than are in the actual food itself (celery is a big one)
No more scales. I'm just hitting the treadmill for 30 minutes a day. Minimum. Mindless Television and DVR make it go fast. Then I can soap.
:shock: but, tabitha, I saw your picture in another topic, and you look great! :) a lot of woman would be jealous of your figure!
Is anyone else diabetic? I am. I saw Jackie Warner(?) on TV say something about diet soda's making people fat because of the insulin spike from the sugar substitute.

So I tested the theory this morning. First I checked my blood sugar. Then I made some hot tea with Splenda. I drank half of it and waited about 6 minutes and checked my blood sugar again…it had gone up 10 points. About 3 or so hours later I checked my blood sugar, drank the other half of the now cold tea and checked my blood sugar again 10 minutes later…this time it was nearly 30 points higher!

…no sugar…and now no sugar substitute either? crap.

I'm pretty sure I was a big fat hummingbird in a former life! :lol:
No Splenda for me. Seriously allergic. Instant Migraine.
Old topic I know, but if it helps anyone I used to eat when I was bored instead of just when I was hungry, so I decided to only eat when I was hungry, but I still kept eating WHATEVER I liked and did no more exercise than usual, and I lost 14lbs in a couple months just from doing that! :) A friend of mine did the same thing and lost about 20lbs.
I hope to lose another 14, but I think there's a point where it stops working and you actually have to exercise, because I've been the same weight for some time now. Lucky I've taken up badminton again, though. :]

Also, the thing about artificial sweeteners upsets me because I practically live off Pepsi MAX *drinking it while she types* :(