Vanillin - discolouration question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
Reaction score
Darlington, UK
I know vanillin in an FO will cause discolouration and I assume the % of vanillin will determine how much discolouration?

I have a chocolate coconut FO with 2.26% in it - how dark can I expect this to go?
I would guess a light-medium brown. There are other things that cause discoloration though and coconut is know to go brown. Doesn't the supplier have info on it? I can check the scent review board if you like, just let me know where its from.
Unfortunately no info on acceleration or discolouration on the website (they do for other FOs).

It's from Sensory Perfection in the UK.

I actually want it to discolour so was really just wondering how much I can expect.
I looked up chocolate FO's until I found one with a similiar vanilla content, it showed a lighter, creamy brown. You might want to do a 1-2 bar color test if you are wanting a specific shade of brown.

Your FO wasn't listed on the scent review board. They don't have much under Sensory Perfection.
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If I don't have a pic on a site of the fo in cp soap, I go here to soap queen for a generalization of the vanillin discoloration.

It shows a vanillin range and the respective soaps colors.

I then will look at their fo list at the bottom of the page and click the fragrance with similar vanillin content to check out the soap...the links redirects to bramble berry and their site shows a soap finished with full discoloration. It gives a good idea doing it this way.

In your case mandarin myrrh has a 2.3% vanillin so follow those links and it should give you a decent idea as to your fos discoloration.
LP's SQ link is the one I use to remind me of general discoloration w/vanilla percentages. Here's another SQ link showing (dis)coloration on some of their best-selling FO's right after pour, at the two week point, and at the one-month point, it does not specifically discuss the vanilla content of each but you might be able to match certain ones up to LP's link.