Two Un-Related Questions....

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Soap Diva Queen
Supporting Member
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I just opened up a vitamin bottle for my dogs and got looking at the cotton that's inside the bottle and got thinking.....(yup I know this is so going to surprise you!) - has anyone tried soaping with the cotton? It has such a similar texture to silk but I don't know if it's pure cotton?

2nd Question - I want to do a two layer soap where I put feather or flower, or a leaf on top of the CP soap and then pour a really thin layer of crystal clear MP on top. Can this be done? Do I need to do anything to the top of the CP to prepare it for the MP? I know we've had some discussion on this but I couldn't find the thread so I apologize in advance for asking a repeat question.


Hi Lindy,
I think as far as question number 2 could pour your layer of CP, let it cure, then put your feather or flower or whatever it is, and then put the clear mp over the top. I read that you also have to spray the first layer with alcohol also. And it's important that the soap underneath is cured other wise as that soap cures and shrinks, it will pop the mp layer right off.
As for question one, I don't know. I think as far as adding silk goes, it sounds really nice...hmmm silk soap.
I don't know about cotton. Hopefully someone will know about that.
I hope I have hoped in my own little way!
Thanks Tabitha & Chrissy....

Chrissy I have made silk soap and I have to tell you the soap is to die for! I am totaly love it! That was made me look really hard at the cotton puff in the bottle - I've put it to one side for now..... 8)

So with the MP Layer - can it be brushed on once my CP soap is cut or do I need to wait the full cure time before playing with the MP? Would I be better off putting my "whatever" on the CP after cutting and then brushing it with wax to hold it in place? Could I do that with MP? Just brush it on? I am so far out of my comfort zone on this one - but as usual wanting to experiment and already bought the MP which I have never used before.... :lol: :oops: :lol:

Lindy did you mean real flowers and leaves? If so I've done it on top of HP bars, I used melted cocoa butter brushed on with a pastry brush, put on the leaf, allowed to dry then brushed over the top again. These are ones I did for a gift set.
LomondSoap.........those are SO beautiful!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!

Sorry Lindy, no clue. But I am thinking that the cotton would not be anywhere as nice as silk.

Silk is a hardened protein-based body fluid excreted by specific larvae as they spin their cocoon to pupate. Cotton is a plant fiber, so chemical make-up would be in the wood family. Very unlikely to dissolve at all, and not likely to be satisfactory if it did. And to take things just a little farther, the chances of the little "cotton ball" in the pet vitamins being real cotton are very slim. More likely it's some type of acrylic. Plastic soap! :shock: If you really want to recycle it somehow, it would do you a lot more good to blend it into the wool you spin for the heels of hand-knit socks than if you were to try to put it in soap. :wink:
Thank you so much for all your help! I've decided not to play with the Cotton Baton and just stick to my silk....I am such an addict that I saw it and went hmmmmmmm......

Thank you for all the advice on how to do my layering for adding flowers, feathers, leaves and stuff. My next experiment.... I have some visions in my head now I just have to pull them out........

First though I have some more colour swirls to do....
happyday said:
Silk is a hardened protein-based body fluid excreted by specific larvae as they spin their cocoon to pupate. Cotton is a plant fiber, so chemical make-up would be in the wood family. Very unlikely to dissolve at all, and not likely to be satisfactory if it did. And to take things just a little farther, the chances of the little "cotton ball" in the pet vitamins being real cotton are very slim. More likely it's some type of acrylic. Plastic soap! :shock: If you really want to recycle it somehow, it would do you a lot more good to blend it into the wool you spin for the heels of hand-knit socks than if you were to try to put it in soap. :wink:

good answer, good answer!
LomondSoap said:
Lindy did you mean real flowers and leaves? If so I've done it on top of HP bars, I used melted cocoa butter brushed on with a pastry brush, put on the leaf, allowed to dry then brushed over the top again. These are ones I did for a gift set.

What beautiful soap! How very creative to secure the flowers with the melted coco butter. I'm totally loving it. Also, love the size (the thickness) of those HP bars.
LamondSoap I'm with everyone else here on those bars of soap. Absolutely stunning! I'm assuming they are well received by your customers and your idea is ingenious!

Yes LomondSoap, THESE are the kind of soapies I would keep forever because they are so damn adorable!

ETA: The color combos couldn't be more perfect!
(hope you don't mind my adding them to my folder on my hard drive labeled SOAP PORN!, lol!)
lol Thanks all! These were actually made in a mad panic at the tail end of last year. I usually make these CP but I sold out and had a couple of fairs still to do, so needed more. They are for a box I call The 4 Seasons, each one is representative of a season. The colours are all natural and the scents are all non allergenic, they go down very well, which is why I keep doing them.
These are the CP ones

And the HP

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