This video: how....?

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Jan 14, 2014
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The cut bars show big areas of white soap between the colors, but she didn't pour that way (color, white, color, white..etc) Can anyone explain why that happened? Is it possible the colors were heavier?
She pours white first and the greens/brown that she pours on top of that drop through, almost to the point that you can barely see it because the white envelops the dropped color. So every time she pours a green, it will be on top of white, not on top of the other green. The dropped color "catches" the white on the very top and it forms a layer between each drop of color. The pressure of the new soap poured on the soap in the mold while bear down in the middle and cause the smile shape of all the prior pours. If she poured her soap off to the side, the shape of those swings would be different.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining that clearly though.
In case anyone is interested Perfect Man does discolour pink. Eventually the whole bar will go pink as well. It is a very cologne-y fragrance. I think I prefer Fifty Shades - very similar masculine scent but not as cologne-y and does not discolour.