The Creamsicle Saga continues...Help!

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Active Member
Jun 30, 2008
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Ok, so I bought a creamsicle fo from Brambleberry so that I wouldn't have to mix my own. I am doing cphp for this trade because the customer wanted her soap sooner. Seems easy enough. Then I realize that the flashpoint is really low. 135 degrees low in fact. I didnt want to burn off my scent so I let my soap cool to around 115 in the crockpot, superfat with jojoba and add my fo. It was a crumbly mess going into the mold although I cut it this morning and it does look kind of nice.

Here is the issue...I have enough fo to make one more batch of this soap and I need it to be perfect. (Brambleberry can only send this particular fo by ground shipping...) What should I change? Should I room temp cp it instead and ask her to wait? Should I do it again and get it in the mold faster once it gets below flash? Do I really even have to worry about flashpoint at all? Is it really going to evaporate the scent off? What should I do?
Lexi said:
Do I really even have to worry about flashpoint at all? Is it really going to evaporate the scent off? What should I do?

No. No it is a weak FO though. Just make your soap the way you always do.
Lucy- Thank you! I think I am going to rebatch and just add more FO. I appreciate the help!
Rebatch and add a little more FO :) Be careful though. YOu don't want to add tooooo much as it can (with any FO) irritate the skin.

I CP'ed this FO with a hot gel phase and the scent still stuck. :)

may i suggest looking up sweetcakes. i believe they have it. i like sweetcakes because theire f/oils are extremly concentrated. plus they test about 90% of f/o and post the results in the f/oil description. plus you can email them with questions about certain f/o's.

most f/o's usage is .75-1 oz ppo.
