Stupid question - How long is soap shelf-stable?

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2016
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Hi folks!

Me again with a stupid question :p How long (in general) is soap shelf-stable? This is assuming there's no preservatives added to the soap at all.
Well, depending on the soap recipe- it can either last for years and years, or for just a few months. I still have bars that I made 9 or 10 years ago that are still doing great, but I've also made a few batches that went south in under a year because they were poorly formulated.

IrishLass :)
Bar soap? Years. And years. Your recipe makes a difference as some oils are more prone to rancidity. I have soap that's almost 3 years olds, and I know some soapers here have soap much older than that.
I have soaps that are well over a year old on my self. Just trying to see how long until they do go rancid. Bar soap does not require preservatives.
I have found bars of soap tucked away from 2 or 3 years ago and they were OK. I think that using oils with a long shelf life helps.