While Soapcalc is certainly an established, reputable calc, the interface is really showing its age. I can see why beginners shy away. It's also lacking in some features that Soapee, Soapmaking Friend, and other calcs offer.
Another calc that I've been investigating since the Soapee announcement is Lye Calc,
https://www.lyecalc.com/ This URL takes you to the advanced version of the calc.
There's a simpler beginner's version that walks the user step-by-step through the process of creating a recipe,
The advanced version will calculate the additional alkali needed if you're adding citric acid or other acids, gives recommendations about the amounts of other additives such as sodium lactate, and lets the user enter exact numbers for NaOH and KOH purity.
It looks like you can save recipes if you create an account. I haven't tried it on my phone to know how the interface looks on mobile, but the calc is clean and easy to read on my desktop monitor.