Soap Wrapping Machine

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2013
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Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone here uses this machine? I got excited about it and even contacted the company but the approximately $1500 price point is a bit much for me as a start up but then I am also wondering if it saves much in manual labor? What do you all think?The second video is the manual way...I know she sped up the video but if the machine seems to help I would definitely plan for it later.

I love that! I do orders of 200 shave soaps at a time and that would be a huge time saver. Can I ask who the company is? It's something I would buy for sure on my next round of orders.
So you watched the video and thinks it would save time? If so then I'll definitely start saving for it. Not sure I should post their info here so I'll pm you the communication I had with them.
After watching the first video, I thought the lady could also have benefited from an automatic label dispenser. We apply 10,000 to 20,000 adhesive labels a year to various products, and a label dispenser has been a lifesaver. There are manual models that are cheaper and work very well for a lower volume operation, but this is the gadget we use:

Edit: Here's a link to the youtube videos for this company:
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Thanks for the link DeeAnna. Went straight to their youtube channel and wow!
They got quite a few gadgets. They uploaded a new video today that makes putting labels on bottles looks so easy, time saving.

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