@Kiti Williams, you have many colors that I love in your soap and I did as you.....I pasted emulsion
@szaza, WoW! You tackled a lot of colors and got nice bright yellow and orange
@DKing, I like your purple and pink and you nailed the 'grout' with they very thin lines with you charcoal
@SoapySuds, You've got a seashell hiding in your soap......cooool. I also see a swordfish at the top of your other bar with a pointed beaked bird on the bottom.
@mommycarlson, You nailed the depth of colors with your 6 choices, something missing in my 2nd attempt (I also chose 6 colors) but I know it was my EVOO that did it.
@Karmic and
@bookreader451, Your color scheme might have been the same but both still both unique in design, I almost went with that very color set thining I need more soap for the fellows in my family. Lol, guess the gals will be getting more soap that the guys.
@dibbles, as usual, really nice soap and I too love how the colors wrap around the sides (and corners too). You also have a nice 'grout' going on in your soap.
@Mobjack Bay, I absolutely love the blues and purple.......not sure which I like best, those with little white or the bar that contains more.
@SideDoorSoaps, Lol, one of mine looks much like yours; my green didn't show up as well as yours. The twists and turns of ours are also similar which I had to show my hubby so he could see my soap's twin.
@Dawni, You
CONTINUALLY amaze me with your HP soap! A nice bright orange, better than my orange and mine was
not HP.
@MarnieSoapien, Yours made me think of my 2nd try, maybe it was just the orange and blue but I think the shapes of the twists also looked like the paths mine took.
So many lovely soaps and wonderful colors. It'll be hard to decide.