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Wax Munky

Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
I'm planning on going to a craft fair tomorrow. Hoping that someone is selling soaps.
What I'll be looking for is shaving soaps for men, that lather well.

I've forgotten what what type of soap does that, and what to look for specifically in the ingredients label.?
Glycerine, yeah, got that one. It's C/P. H/P... And whatever else that's drifted out of my mind.. That I don't know.
Thought I'd ask the pro's here.

Thank you,

@Wax Munky , I didn't see that anyone responded to your question. I don't know anything about shaving soaps.
But, were you able to find something? I'm starting to think about making a shaving soap for my husband. Did you find out what ingredients you should look for?
Sorry, I somehow missed this post. You've no doubt already shopped at the craft fair, but FWIW, my shave soap is comprised mostly of stearic acid, tallow, coconut oil, glycerin, and of course, water and lye, typically dual lye. The method I used is often called modified HP, but to me it is more accurate to call it "high-temp CP." The oils have to be heated enough to keep the stearic melted, but then I remove it all from the heat before slowly adding the hot lye solution, so that it doesn't expand out of the pot. Honestly, it shouldn't really matter whether it is HP or CP - the ingredients will make the soap nice (or not).

Anyhoo, @Wax Munky did you find something to try?
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Sorry, I somehow missed this post. You've no doubt already shopped at the craft fair, but FWIW, my shave soap is comprised mostly of stearic acid, tallow, coconut oil, glycerin, and of course, water and lye, typically dual lye. The method I used is often called modified HP, but to me it is more accurate to call it "high-temp CP." The oils have to be heated enough to keep the stearic melted, but then I remove it all from the heat before slowly adding the hot lye solution, so that it doesn't expand out of the pot. Honestly, it shouldn't really matter whether it is HP or CP - the ingredients will make the soap nice (or not).

Anyhoo, @Wax Munky did you find something to try?
No worries.
I wasn't sure where to post the question. SMF has many categories.
Found out if one doesn't do Fakebook around here where I live one never know what's going on. It's like the only lifeline for information people use. I don't do Fakebook. It's creepy.
Mention Google... Enjoy the blank stare...LOL... I'm easily amused. ;)

So, anyways the The craft fair will be next week.
Thank you for the information.

Found a nice lady selling Glycerine soaps. Bought a few bars and some sugar scrubs/lotion.

I was surprised a few people were actually selling Body works products. Small tester tubes of lotions.
Bottled liquid soaps. Repackaged container candles. They looked like something bought in bulk on Ebay. Some of the lotion tubes looked used. It was kind of gross. Flea market tables.