Hi I am new here I have 3 daughters and a wife with long thick hair (I am mostly bald
) and we want to get off the grid as far as shampoo and conditioners etc…. I am looking for some good shampoo bar soap recipes I bought a bunch of jello and tart tins molds made out of metal . After looking at many forums I have seen that most folks use wood boxes with a lining . I have been spending a couple of hours at night reading but I am not sure I am getting it .:crazy: hot cold melt and pour
http://www.ebay.com/itm/261713949495?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT . I got the Idea from a book The Complete Soapmaker: Tips, Techniques & Recipes for Luxurious Handmade Soaps . She has soaps made in tins like these but what I am wondering is could you get these out with a heat gun? or how would you do it ? Or are there other hand soap recipes , or conditioner bars that you might have under your belt now that you could share ? I am particularly interested in ones with tallow .I have access to an abundance of Beef suet . I have heard that it can go rancid fairly quickly does anyone know what could added to the bars to be a natural preservative that they have had experience with like Benzoin , ascorbate etc…. I have not made my first batch yet but I am hoping to gain the wisdom of other soapers first Thanks in advance James

http://www.ebay.com/itm/261713949495?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT . I got the Idea from a book The Complete Soapmaker: Tips, Techniques & Recipes for Luxurious Handmade Soaps . She has soaps made in tins like these but what I am wondering is could you get these out with a heat gun? or how would you do it ? Or are there other hand soap recipes , or conditioner bars that you might have under your belt now that you could share ? I am particularly interested in ones with tallow .I have access to an abundance of Beef suet . I have heard that it can go rancid fairly quickly does anyone know what could added to the bars to be a natural preservative that they have had experience with like Benzoin , ascorbate etc…. I have not made my first batch yet but I am hoping to gain the wisdom of other soapers first Thanks in advance James