This is Batch #15 for me and my second Sassafras Tea Attempt. I changed the Ingredients and I reduced the Sassafras strenth this time. The first Sassafras bars came out very brown almost a wood look, These have a more Sassafras tea color.
Grape seed oil, Safflower oil, Soybean oil, Lard, Coconut oil (76), Olive
oil, Stearic Acid, 35 oz. oils, 5 oz. Lye
Additives: 1/2 oz. Castor, 1/2 oz. Sweet oil (olive) and 1 oz mixed fragrance oil.
Discounted the water only 1 oz. water replaced by Strong Sassafras Tea.
I make all my soaps outside because of our Birds. It was around 20 degrees. And at trace the soap begain to get thick really quick.
Mixture in mold (back inside house). Already reliqiefing after only a few minutes.
My helper, He works really Cheap.. Basically for peanuts.
Rough Cut Bars, Very nice color, alittle ashy.
finished bars, nice color and mable look.
Grape seed oil, Safflower oil, Soybean oil, Lard, Coconut oil (76), Olive
oil, Stearic Acid, 35 oz. oils, 5 oz. Lye
Additives: 1/2 oz. Castor, 1/2 oz. Sweet oil (olive) and 1 oz mixed fragrance oil.
Discounted the water only 1 oz. water replaced by Strong Sassafras Tea.
I make all my soaps outside because of our Birds. It was around 20 degrees. And at trace the soap begain to get thick really quick.
Mixture in mold (back inside house). Already reliqiefing after only a few minutes.

My helper, He works really Cheap.. Basically for peanuts.

Rough Cut Bars, Very nice color, alittle ashy.

finished bars, nice color and mable look.