Salty Mariner from BB

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2016
Reaction score
Tasmania, Australia
I asked for a sample of this with my last order from Aussie Soap and added it to 100 grams of my last batch.


I've been trying for months to come up with a nice salty, briny, sea-type mix of essential oils but couldn't seem to get it right. Bugger it, I thought, I'll just try a FO. I think this one has the right scent - time will tell though. It's only just been made and it may morph after cure.

What are other's experiences with this scent, and if you want to share - what colours/design have you come up with to suit the scent?

Oh, by the way, it accelerated something awful but I'm still hoping to find a recipe I can do at least an ITP swirl with.
That sticks well but is a big accelerator. Even if you only hand stir, your time is limited but if you brought your batter just to emulsion, split, colored and got everything ready, then quickly added the FO and stirred thoroughly, you might well have time for a good ITP. If you can find a scent that is known to slow trace and it makes a nice blend with it, the combo can be more workable.
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I just made salt bars with this tonight! It's one of my favorites. I have some bars that are 6 months old and they still smell great.

The bars I did tonight, I used a layer pour for a color gradient and it worked perfectly for that. I mixed the FO in layer by layer, so the one I just poured would be fairly firm by by the time I was done mixing color and FO into the next layer. If it turns out decent I'll post some photos in the gallery :)
I made a batch with this about 6 - 8 weeks ago. Love it! The salty bit was exactly what I was missing in the other cotton clean fragrances. Scent has weakened a bit but still holding though it's early in the game (I sniff it frequently). I did a green and blue drop swirl with melt and pour drops in a bright blue but it was frustrating due to acceleration. Next time I'll do layers or maybe in a pink salt topped bar. Hmm, I need to think a bit more seriously about this. I really love this fragrance.

Edit: Just realized you said from Aussie Soap. I think I got mine from Nature Garden.
Thanks for the feedback all, I think I'll split it, colour then add scent and stir and pour like crazy and see how I go. I won't add anything else to it because (at this stage anyway) I love the scent just as it is.

McMom - I order Brambleberry FOs and other BB products through their Australian supplier as that's where I am.
This is one of my favorite scents, I make salt bars with it and blend the fragrance in the salt first then add it all once I hit emulsion. I don't color it since I use sea salt with celery leaf flakes in it for a speckled look. I find it holds very well.