Salt bar hardened too quickly?

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Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
Auburn CA
I just made a salt bar using the recipe out of Faiola's book. I expected to wait a few weeks to un-mold but low and behold I was able to un-mold after 6-7 hours. I haven't un-molded the loaf but the bonus little silicon mat bars popped right out. Everything seems OK, just not what I expected. I did use a Sandalwood FO that I had not used before. Should I be concerned?

Salt Bar.jpg

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Yep, I don't plan to go anywhere when I make them. I pretty much stay right by the molds and as soon as one corner comes out intact, I unmold and cut the lot.
Your soap looks lovely:) I don't have individual moulds, so mine are usually ready to cut in an hour or two. If I leave it too long, they're too hard and crack as they're cut!
Thanks for the quick help. I'll cut right away. Now I'm not sure why I thought it would take so long....maybe I got confused with Castile.
Thanks for the advise, I was still able to cut it up. It looks a little rough but Yea:)

Salt Bar cut.jpg
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Those look good! I like to live on the edge so I make mine in a log mold. I cut when they're still warm- usually 90 minutes or so.
I un-mold and cut mine within 1 hr. Salt bars are hard as soon as they start cooling

I guess I have to worst luck with anything high in CO. I waited over 12 hrs to pop mine out of their mold and they were still on the soft side. They didn't even gel. I had better luck with lower levels of CO in my soaps. :mrgreen: