One of the best parts of getting older is to know when to ask for help. Sage. Does anyone harvest/dry their own or do you use package ready to use sage. ?
I grew sage last year and dried it. I used it for cooking though, not soap. It was easy to grow/dry, but with one plant I didn't get too much. It wasn't planted in a very sunny spot.
We don't have much space for growing plants, but I'm currently growing a couple sage plants that I'll eventually start using for soaping when they're producing enough.
When I use sage I either harvest wild sagebrush or buy the organic fresh sage at our local grocery store. I dry it then grind it finely in a coffee/spice grinder.
My sage is going crazy! I have two plants and this is year #3 for one of them. It's going to bloom and I'm going to let it as the second plant shows no sign of blooming. I haven't had to dry any yet as it didn't freeze over the winter.