"I'll take Crafts for $100, Alex."
This was the latest result from my regular recipe, although it was the first time I had tried CP. Normally I HP it. When I was SB the lye water into the mix little lumps did appear, but I SB them away. I portioned the batter into separate containers to be colored and they did harden much faster than I expected--stirring in the color was a massive effort. I did it by hand, since I knew the cups were full enough that I would spray batter everywhere if I SB. Although the batter was very rigid--I had to glop it into the mold and then spread it with a spatula, there was no "pouring" it--it wasn't lumpy or bumpy. Yet when I unmolded, there was this. Is this ricing? They do look like little grains of rice.
This was the latest result from my regular recipe, although it was the first time I had tried CP. Normally I HP it. When I was SB the lye water into the mix little lumps did appear, but I SB them away. I portioned the batter into separate containers to be colored and they did harden much faster than I expected--stirring in the color was a massive effort. I did it by hand, since I knew the cups were full enough that I would spray batter everywhere if I SB. Although the batter was very rigid--I had to glop it into the mold and then spread it with a spatula, there was no "pouring" it--it wasn't lumpy or bumpy. Yet when I unmolded, there was this. Is this ricing? They do look like little grains of rice.