I was just courious the different pricing methods everyone use when they sale there soap. CP, HP, and melt and pour soaps. I know some poeple stick to a standard pricing. While other don't. Please share your methods.
I usually charge $4.00 for a bar of my CP soap that is 4.5 to 5 ounces. Of course, all I make is goats milk soaps. With the economy the way it is, I have been thinking of lowering my prices to $3.25 to $3.50 for the same bar. General rule of thumb is;
For retail...cost X 3 = selling point.
For wholesale...cost X 2 = selling point
The US standard for handmade items is 4x for retail, 2x for wholesale & 3x for discount, unless it is a perishable product such as fresh floral designs, then it is 5x for retail to help w/ the extra waste you lose to perished merchandise.
I stick to the standard 4x but may adjust it a bit up or down to suit my market.