Preservatives & Anti-O's to prevent DOS?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
Reaction score
I'm wondering if using either of these will prevent or help prevent DOS.? I found a compound that is an anti-oxidant which is used in some fuel oils to prevent rancidity and oxidation, it's called BHT (BHA is also used). I've read that BHT is also sold as a health supplement so it seems that it isn't too toxic.

If this will prevent DOS, then that could open the door for a lot of new recipes which are off limits if DOS is a concern.

Anyone know about this?
"... If this will prevent DOS, then that could open the door for a lot of new recipes which are off limits if DOS is a concern. ..."

While this conclusion seems promising at first glance, I want to add the fats that are especially DOS prone are the ones with high linoleic and linolenic content. In large amounts, these oils don't make a desirable soap, so I personally can't get overly excited about using a chelator and/or antioxidant so I could use more, say, grapeseed oil in my soap. Ditto for using high superfat amounts -- it doesn't make for Good Soap.

Maybe that's not quite what you're thinking, though -- can you explain more about what you have in mind?

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