Thanks, DeeAnna. It is now gone with the wind.
Anytime you find the need to correct bad/outdated info within any of your posts that have passed the forum's set time-limit of editing opportunity, no matter how long a time has passed, don't hesitate to let any of us modmins know and we'll go in and get 'er done for you.
This goes for everyone else, too.
The issue of the forum's recently implemented time-limit of editing opportunity has been discussed before within the past few months in a couple of different threads, but for those who have not had a chance to read any of those discussions, the time-limit was not a decision made by the modmin team, but solely by the forum owner and tech team at their own discretion and it is non-negotiable.
For what it's worth, SMF is not the only soaping forum to implement such measures. There are 2 other soaping forums of which I am a member that don't provide their membership
any window of editing opportunity at all once 'send' is pressed. As small as our grace window is, at least we have a window.
As stated above, though, if you need to go in to edit/fix something in your post, but the window of opportunity has passed, just let any of us on the modmin team know and we'll be happy to go in and fix it for you.