jellyfish said:It drives me nuts when someone is cold and instead of turning the thermostat up a couple degrees to a comfortable temperature they turn it up to 85. It's not going to make it heat up any faster and chancer are you'll forget to turn it down until the temperature actually nears the 85 degrees you set it to. Then in a frantic move you'll turn the heat down to 55 because you're "so hot you're going to die!". You'll wake up in a frigid panic in the middle of the night wondering why you have no feeling in your feet and turn the heat back up to 85. Wouldn't it just make more sense to set the temperature at 70 degrees in the first place? Grrrrrr.
Mindy said:I hate hate HATE those automated telephone systems that require you to actually say the options. I swear they never recognize the option I'm trying to say and i always get stuck in some stupid loop of "I'm sorry, i didn't understand you. Please say your option again." By the time i actually talk to a real person I'm ready to have a temper tantrum.