Paul's Wal-Mart Recipe

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Soapmaker Man

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
SW Missouri
I've had several requests for this recipe, so here it is. I used it early in my soap career and is a pretty darn good, bubbly soap. Here it is; :D

Paul's Wal-Mart Soap Recipe

30% Coconut Oil
25% Crisco
23% Olive Oil (lightest they have)
10% Canola Oil
7% Safflower Oil
5% Castor Oil

Give it a good cure time to harden up well. You can take a modest water discount. I'd soap it at a 33% lye solution. You can also use Wal-Mart's brand Pre-Creamed animal fats shortening also. The above recipe is all veggie, but I like using the Pre-Creamed shortening. Use 25% of this instead of the Crisco. It will be a firmer bar, too.

Run through a online soap calculator like this one;

Sounds pretty good, Paul, though I like my soap to be harder. The olive may help with that if you leave it cure long enough. Thanks for sharing!
Woodi said:
BTW: where do you get 'precreamed shortening'? I never heard of it.

Yea Woodi, I like my numbers on hardness to be around 41 to 45 on the Sooz Calc. I still need to get your updated advanced program!! Everybody, Woodi has the excellent Soapmaker Program! She and her hubby put this together and it is an excellent sap and lotions calculator!

Woodie, I haven't used this recipe in almost 2 years now, but several of our newer members wanted a recipe that they could buy locally without sending off for oils. This is one I came up with a long time ago. :)

Pre creamed shortening is a mixture of lard, tallow, and a little veggie oils all mixed together. It is mainly animal fats though. It's called pre-creamed, don't ask me why though! :?

Anyway, why don't you post a linky-dinky Woodi to your site and your Soapmaker Program. I', sure our members would love it!


Paul.... :) :wink:
41-45! I can't seem to get my soap that high. My current rec. is a 39 I think. I am playing around with adding to it, especially castor but then it fall even further to about 37. It must be the Goats. My problem is I don't want to lose any conditioning, everything I find that boosts my hardness drops my cond. Oh well, I am still happy with it.
I am fairly new at this, but while researching I have found some places that says Olive oil adds to the hardness of the bar (but makes it cure slower). I think I saw that at somewhere. And Olive oil shouldn't take away the conditioning.
WOW - the program looks fantastic, and I haven't even made my 1st batch of soap yet!

I'm guessing it's only available for Windows users right? :cry:

Soapmaker Man said:
OK, guys, I'm just going to do it! Here is the home page for Woodi's Soapmaker Program! It is great and you get a free month to try it out!

Thanks Woodi and Crawford for this great program! :D

Paul.... :) :wink:
edco76 said:
41-45! I can't seem to get my soap that high. My current rec. is a 39 I think. I am playing around with adding to it, especially castor but then it fall even further to about 37. It must be the Goats. My problem is I don't want to lose any conditioning, everything I find that boosts my hardness drops my cond. Oh well, I am still happy with it.

My current Hardness is 44 with my Conditioning at 50. I use Soybean oil... I'm pretty sure I posted my recipe somewhere...
Good thing I checked.... I ment to say Canola Oil. :) Tho right now I am testing with soybean because it has more hard number than canola...

The qualities of my favorite recipe:
Hardness: 44
Cleansing: 23
Conditioning: 50
Bubbly: 27
Creamy: 26
Iodine: 55
INS: 150

Coconut Oil 20%
Palm Kernel Flakes 15%
Palm Oil 20%
Shea Butter 10%
Avocado Oil 9%
Sweet Almond Oil 10%
Canola Oil 10%
Castor Oil 6%
Lane your numbers are sooo very close to my very favorite AF and Veggie recipes! My conditioning is a tad higher at 53. I really love Babassu!!! It is so great. Sometimes I do CO, PKO and Babassu as my main cleaning/bubbling oils. Personally I love a lard/tallow at 25% of my totals recipe. I use 17% lard and 6% tallow.

Don;t you just love comparing notes! I love playing with!!!

Paul :)
Paul I am addicted to Soapcalc!! I am still having trouble lowering my cleansing... I can't get it below 23 and I'd like it more around 18-20. Babassu!!! I have heard such great things about it but I've never used it!!

I have a friend who refuses to use soap with lard and I don't like the way it smells, so I only use palm oil, but I will say, I have tested with it and I do think it produces a creamier bar!!
I looked in grocery for cocnut oil couldnt find any????

I don't think all grocery stores & walmarts carry coconut oil (my local walmarts don't carry CO either :cry: ). But sometimes they can be located at the health food/natural food section. Whole foods also carry coconut oil, expensive though...

I believe you can also find the lard/tallow/veg oil combo shortening products in your local grocery store (packaged in their generic cans). Like Ralphs has the Value-Line shortening, just check the ingredient list and you should see it HTH :)
super wal*marts carry the coconut oil ( small white canister, top shelf in the cooking oil section)

i just priced this it is up to 4.62 for 31 oz.

also the great value animal shortening that wal*mart carries is mostly lard, mixed with beef tallow and 4 percent soybean. and we have found that not all great value brand animal shortening is the same thru out the country, it varies by the plants that produce it. here our label says mixture of lard and tallow as the first ingredient, but farther west of us they first ingredeient listed is lard by itself followed by beef tallow.

knock on wood i have not come across any lard that has an odor that i can notice. if i rendered my own, then maybe. but i use the armour brand, it will easily overheat so it is one of the last oils i add to my soap pot and usually have to finish hand stirring it to get all of it melted. low heat is key.

and yes i too luv woodi's soapmaker program and after today so does my accountant. it was the best investment ever, once i got myself in order and entered everything into it. the inventory management feature is awesome.

I guess that explains it :D I don't have super walmarts in my neighborhood, only the regular walmart. That's too bad for me.
Thanks Barb for the clarification on Walmart and the shortening.
Soapmaker Program

I just downloaded the trial. I think I am going to really love it! I plan to purchase it, as soon as I am able. I LOVE the fact that it has sample recipes to start you off! Great work, Woodi!

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