Optiphen Plus !! This product has resolved many of the issues you had to worry about with the original Optiphen ...I think it's the biggest reason I got into making bath products ...to avoid parabens & other harsh or synthetic ingredients ...you can't avoid them all, but we can sure make a superior product with the knowlege we have & ingredients we have available to us
...and please everyone!! If you are selling your product - please have your product lab tested - it's very important to know your preservative is doing its job, especially if you are selling. It isn't all that costly for the peace of mind it gives you. And if you are making your product in your family kitchen ( which, to my knowledge, is a no-no ...except for soap ...but I'm sure more of us do this
than don't ...and I'm not asking, by-the-way

) ...even if you are diligent about sanitizing ...the family kitchen has contaminates everywhere ...sorry if I sidetracked this too much!