I was wondering if I could use paper packaging for melt and pour soaps?Would it have to be a certain kind of paper? Would the sweating ruin the paper? Sorry about all the questions I have been asking herre lately.
paper isn't a good option because their is no moisture barrier. in humidity it will sweat, dry, it'll dry out. maybe glassine bags would work for short shorage in not so adverse conditions?
but then there is "low sweat" formulas that say you can wrap in paper....i dunno though, i use the natural formula that sweats like a bastard.
There are probably a dozen threads about this here you can search for & get more info.
In a nutshell, you need to keep your M&P soap airtight to prevent shrinkage. Wrapping it snug in saran wrap &/or dropping it into a cello bag is probably your best bet. Paper will stick to your soap & give you a huge mess.