Oct. Rant

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2015
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I'm so angry today, I feel like it's eating me alive. I give myself a Halloween budget each year to get new decorations. This year, I blew the whole lot on an 8 ft inflatable of a tree, pumpkins, an owl and ghost scene, and a 4 ft witch to complete it. Now, I live in a very small town ( 415 people). I came home from the market yesterday, hubby and the kids went to his mom's, and some ******* has smashed the power supplies and fans, so they can't be repaired.
On top of that, and what really makes me angry, is that last week the city council asked me to organize a Halloween party for the kids. So I've been running around asking businesses for donations, trying to get things set up early so I won't have so much on my plate at the last minute, and making a fun, safe party that they'll enjoy.
Now, I just don't care about the party. All I can think of is all my hard work and the jerk that busted up my stuff will probably be there enjoying the party and free games, food and candy. I gotta snap out of it though, and think of the good kids...
Thanks for letting me rant :)
I never understand what some people get out of doing something so destructive. When people steal, you can understand that they get either the items they stole, or money that they sold the items for. But an act of pure destruction takes a whole different kind of sick. I don't get it, and find it really scary. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with the aftermath of someone like that. And yes, the fact that you come from such a small town, and likely know the person, doesn't help.
That's terrible! I've never understood the desire to destroy another person's property (unless they're parked like an a-hole, but that's another story.)
Even as a teenager, the thought never crossed my mind. I'm sure it's more of a boy thing, but still. To go through that much effort to destroy something fun is awful and sad.
I'm so sorry that happened to you and I hope you find your party motivation again and throw the best one ever!
I'm so sorry that happened. People can be such jerks. I don't understand what joy it gives to someone to destroy someone else's property or to steal it. Just so wrong.
That's horrible! I hate it when people do stuff like that, I never understand it. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Maybe the city council can help you to raise a bit of money to fix the power supplies and fan? Or at least get new decorations? I hope things work out for you and good luck with the party!
That's horrible! I hate it when people do stuff like that, I never understand it. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Maybe the city council can help you to raise a bit of money to fix the power supplies and fan? Or at least get new decorations? I hope things work out for you and good luck with the party!
I agree, maybe they (city council) will help you out. I would think it can be fixed. Do you have a local handy man maybe he would donate the time and parts to fix it. It just makes a person feel so violated to have someone come onto their property and destroy and /or steal.
Wow! Under the circumstances you have every right to feel as you do and to rant in righteous anger! I'd be P*ssed! That said, at some time maybe you put your anger to the side and still do the party for the sake of the kids. I'm sure that they will enjoy all of your efforts more than the A**hat that destroyed your property. I just don't get people like that. Makes absolutely no sense.
What is wrong with some people!!! Your mood is clearly justified. I'm a firm believer in 'what goes around comes around', you might not know it's happened but it will