New idea for soap wrapping - works for rectangular/square and oval/round

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2014
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I REALLY need to figure out a solution for this issue, and it really shouldn't be that hard. I used to print wrappers on normal paper and cut them so they would wrap around the soap and tape/glue it in the back. I did it so that some of the soap remained uncovered on either side of the label/wrapper, like about 25% total (12.5% on top bottom, or left/right). It can be wrapped around horizontally or vertically.

I then started using shrink wrap cellophane to seal in the opposite direction. If the paper was wrapped around the horizontal/width of the bar (and around to the back where the paper is glued together), then the cellophane band would be vertical so as to leave a little uncovered on each side (12.5%). What this does is leaves 4 corners exposed just a little and with this, it allows people to get an accurate smell of the soap. IDK if all this makes sense, I'll try to make some drawings or pictures and then upload them.

I was thinking of using plain, cheap brown "kraft" paper, it's 100% recycled and actually comes in like 5 colors. and you can get a 250ft roll, 4ft long for $15-20 - then use a sicissors to cut big sections and then a paper cutter to get proper sizes. You can then print on this if you want. Another option is to print stickers that you put on this paper, which isn't a bad idea either.

IDK about anyone else, but figuring out the packaging and name for the business & soaps has been the most difficult aspect of this. I have about 40 awesome recipes I've perfected over 11 years but am stuck with the marketing aspect. GRRR.

Anyone here have any suggestions or have ideas of what works for them? I REALLY don't want to go to boxes ATM, maybe if I get some success where people buy regularly then it would be worth investing in it.
I actually started doing something very similar to what you describe. I have a band that goes around the soap made of colorful scrapbook paper and then another that goes around the soap vertically. The vertical band is 65 lb. paper in a solid color and has my logo, soap ingredients and all the other info printed on it. I get five per 8 x 11 sheet of paper. All four corners of the soap bar are exposed so people can smell the bars. In my quest for soap wrapping I also purchased a ream of kraft paper but I wasn't happy with how the printed info showed up. Maybe you can try buying a few sheets of the kraft stuff and playing around with it first. I would think the stuff you cut off the roll would have a tendency to roll back up which could be an issue...

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