I agree. Most use palm or tallow. Coconut or babassu. It helps to use one in a soap, then the other and see which you prefer quality wise.
Instead of 10% palm and 30% tallow, use 40% of one.
Same with coconut and babassu. 10% and 10% switch to 20% of one. 20% of the high stripping oils is my max, and I usually use 18% and try to keep my cleansing numbers to 14 at the most, but that's a personal preference.
Avocado oil is expensive and a lot prefer it for a leave on product like lotions. I love almond oil and use it with a little olive. Canola can cause dos, but at your 10% it should be ok.
Splitting it to a soap with tallow and coconut, then another soap with tallow and babassu, one with palm and coconut and one with palm and babassu helps you find the ingredients that you prefer. Considering those two and two I mentioned are so close in quality, it would seem helpful as a learning experience to split them up one at a time. That way you find your faves and build from there a perfect recipe for you.
My drains dislike the excess oils of superfat as well, and so I try to keep mine between 3-4% tops. A lower cleansing number also means usually the bubbles are a little less (but the creamy lather is there), and so my lower superfat also helps boost the lather some.