Mystery DOS solved?

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Jul 15, 2022
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United States
Could this be the cause of the mystery DOS I experienced in the recent past? When it happened the first time, I sanitized everything and purchased brand new oils, aloe, and lye but got the same result... DOS starting at about the 1 month mark. So, when I was really scrutinizing EVERYTHING (because olive oil is expensive!), I noticed this discoloration inside the bell of my stickblender. Could this be the answer?

Wow, that does look to me like the stainless steel has been affected to the point that there are non-stainless metals coming in contact with the soap. Hopefully this is your answer!

It also looks like there is a bit of debris caught around the gasket; a toothpick can help with getting that out. Even if it is just soap, it only takes a small amount of finished soap to accelerate a new batch, and only a small amount of old, oxidized soap to contaminate it, as well.
Could be wrong here but shouldn’t there be a gasket around the lower portion where shaft meets bowl? Now am going to check my stick blenders for wear and tear. Thank you for sharing.
Most likely yes. They are usually pretty sturdy. Different models can vary as to how many bubbles they introduce.
I'm all ears. Show me your favorites that don't make a bunch of bubbles. Those tiny pesky bubbles have been my nemesis for the last few months. I assumed it was due to the added aloe gel but now I'm wondering if it's been a problem with my stick blender right along. Amazon links are super helpful.
My favorite is my AllClad that DH gave me as a gift. The good (fantastic, actually): zero bubbles, low vibration, and variable speed. The bad: expensive, and the caulking seal on the plate inside the bell is not made to withstand highly alkaline substances. After I blend my soap, I immediately put it into some waiting hot water. As soon as the soap is the mold, I immediately wash it. So far, my seal is holding, but I am aware that at some point, it might have to be replaced. Here is a pic that shows the flat plate,
and the clear seal holding it in (and thus decreasing the inside size of the bell):
Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 9.15.50 PM.png

My second favorite was a cheap-o Hamilton Beach model that they don't make anymore. Lasted forever, and didn't make many bubbles because it had a wider, flatter bell. That seems to be the key.

Sorry I can't be of more help. We do have some good threads here on stick blender choices, and I seem to recall that the Cuisinart SmartStick got good reviews.
I see that my local Walmart carries a KitchenAid stickblender. Think that'll be a decent replacement?
I would advise against it. My kitchenaid introduced lots of bubbles into soap batter, and the part of the bell that screws into the body of the blender broke apart easily. I replaced it with a Braun which works much better.