JUly 19-20 Shop Till You Drop Arts & Craft Show in Bossier City Civic Center was a flop, I didn't even make half my booth rental back ($125), there were only about 500 visitors total the two days instead of the 2000 I was told to expect. If I got a dollar for everyone passing my booth with raves about the beauty of my presentation or the wonderful smells that didn't give headaches I would have made $500. I did give out a few biz cards & brochures. I've sunk all my disposable income into this, have over $900 retail products that are high quality, and must make at last my booth rental back to enable me to continue to attend the shows. I am getting funding for the September show and paying for the 3 day November Mistletoe show myself. It is traditionally the best show of the year due to Xmas shopping. I sincerely hope these 2 shows are better. almost no one else at he show made their rental back. I live on SSI and am doing this to not only make a few bucks a month to supplement my income (badly needed) but to allow me a creative outlet and to get me out of the house (I'm disabled). But I can't afford to throw away $125 every month or so. I'm worried about my soaps getting "stale" although I do ahve them shrink wrapped. This is my webpage: http://2virgosdesigns.ecrater.com/