Well-Known Member
So my husband is in school & works full time. He has been working 60 hours a week plus trying to fit in 20 hours at school. He fell really behind in his classes because he can't even stay awake. (He gets up at 3.30am works till 3.30pm and goes straight to school and works until 8.30pm) Anyway, I demanded no more overtime, because school is to important...We are now short almost $2,000 a month but doing ok.
Anyway, school is getting really tough now and he has to start an internship doing 40 hrs a week for a month. An UNPAID internship...and then he gets all of his school certification awards. And he is guaranteed 100% job placement after graduation...
So, after a lot of talking, we decided to move out of our 1,000 square ft 2 bedroom, 2 bath room apartment and move into a small 600 sq ft one bedroom, in a less desirable section of town, not horrible, just not as nice. He his going to quit his current job and finish his last month in school and then be placed directly into a good job. After six months at that job we will be moving to Reno, NV where he starts work as head of the IT department for the major casinos in Reno. Which means living very pour for 6 months, in a tiny apartment, no furniture (we will sale what we have before we move), mac & cheese everyday.
This all goes into motion in 8 wks.
It;s scary because we are giving up A LOT of money for his education. Not that school costs a lot, but he makes a lot of money at his current job. His current job is complete hell and is causing him horrible health problems. He is so tired I am scared to death he is going to fall asleep driving. We worked so hard to finally be comfortable financially, but we gave up so much family time to do it.Not worth it to us. Edit to add: We did the whole get married, have kids, buy a house, work a job you hate, make a lot of money...All before 25. It just doesn't feel right for us. We are happy, but we know we should be enjoying life more, spending more time with our babies and playing checkers at dinner...
So. My entire lifestyle is about to change, I'm super excited! I can't wait to sleep in with my husband on weekends... I'm not worried so much about giving up comforts. It makes me SOOO creative!!
I will have to shut down my businesses, which I am not looking forward to. They are finally at a good place, I have a large customer base, and I just won't be able to supply them.
Has anyone ever done a big move or went through a big change with their business? What did you do? Should I sell all of my stuff? There is no way I will have room for it, and I don't really profit enough doing it to make it worth continuing in this situation.
Anyway, school is getting really tough now and he has to start an internship doing 40 hrs a week for a month. An UNPAID internship...and then he gets all of his school certification awards. And he is guaranteed 100% job placement after graduation...
So, after a lot of talking, we decided to move out of our 1,000 square ft 2 bedroom, 2 bath room apartment and move into a small 600 sq ft one bedroom, in a less desirable section of town, not horrible, just not as nice. He his going to quit his current job and finish his last month in school and then be placed directly into a good job. After six months at that job we will be moving to Reno, NV where he starts work as head of the IT department for the major casinos in Reno. Which means living very pour for 6 months, in a tiny apartment, no furniture (we will sale what we have before we move), mac & cheese everyday.
This all goes into motion in 8 wks.
It;s scary because we are giving up A LOT of money for his education. Not that school costs a lot, but he makes a lot of money at his current job. His current job is complete hell and is causing him horrible health problems. He is so tired I am scared to death he is going to fall asleep driving. We worked so hard to finally be comfortable financially, but we gave up so much family time to do it.Not worth it to us. Edit to add: We did the whole get married, have kids, buy a house, work a job you hate, make a lot of money...All before 25. It just doesn't feel right for us. We are happy, but we know we should be enjoying life more, spending more time with our babies and playing checkers at dinner...
So. My entire lifestyle is about to change, I'm super excited! I can't wait to sleep in with my husband on weekends... I'm not worried so much about giving up comforts. It makes me SOOO creative!!
I will have to shut down my businesses, which I am not looking forward to. They are finally at a good place, I have a large customer base, and I just won't be able to supply them.
Has anyone ever done a big move or went through a big change with their business? What did you do? Should I sell all of my stuff? There is no way I will have room for it, and I don't really profit enough doing it to make it worth continuing in this situation.