PhillipJ said:
Mineral oil ya say. Sounds like a good tip Paul.
I found that hot process soap comes out of my molds fairly good. I used coconut oil as a lube and it was just ok. Shea butter was better.
CP soaps I am having trouble with though, in the same type of mold. And one of my bigger molds has me down right angry. Two days now & still stuck! Have it in the freezer now and will try that. If that don't work, I'm gonna try to drill a hole in the bottom & blow it out with compressed air. Will use a piece of tape on the hole next time I want to make soap, if it ain't blown apart?
You see, the reason I mentioned using mineral oil is that it will not saponify. The coconut and shea oil/butter do saponify and thus, stick to the mold! Shea was better because it has more unsaponifiables in it. That is why it is a super great conditioning butter!
SL, or sodium lactate will help a bit, but try the really inexpensive
$1.00 per bottle mineral oil from Wal-Mart! I 100% guarantee it to be super fast in releasing your soap, no freezer or hammer, not even a drill needed!!!
Now I use soured goat milk in my CP soap now. Soured goat milk has a naturally high percentage of lactic acids, including natural sodium lactate and it helps make my soap harder than it used to be, before using soured goat milk. I've only been using soured GM for about 3 months now and am finding I really love it. I still use farm grown goats milk, I just buy his older milk for less than the fresh. Sometimes when it is starting to go sour, he'll give it to me! When the farmer friend does that, I give him my goat milk soap! It was not my idea to use it, and the smell does not come through in the final product. I take my stick blender, crank it up to high, and smooth out that curdled goat milk. I still keep it in the refrigerator. It really does make great soap! 8)
You may need a new mold to....... :roll:
Remember, mineral oil applied with a paper towel to the mold; no saponification.....walla, soap nearly jumps out of that old mold!

Been there; done that! :roll: