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Nov 25, 2015
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I've made a few batches of soap so far. Even with a 10% SF, I still don't feel my skin moisturized. I always see people claim their soaps will make the skin silky smooth and soft. Mine won't. Maybe I am so used to the petroleum layer that left behind on my skin by those commercial body wash?? when my soap can't do that, I think they dry my skin out?? I know soap is a cleansing product, but I still wonder if people can really make soap that leaves a layer of emollient on the skin.
How long are you letting it age before judging? I've found that if I rush it and try earlier than about six weeks, it's more dry-feeling than older soaps.

Also, how much coconut (or similar) oil are you using? My first two batches were 30% coconut and were overly drying, IMO. I've since dialed that back to 20% and like the results much better.
I have also been trying to make soap that is gentle enough for my skin. I find 10% coconut oil or less is necessary for me. My skin just can't handle more than that but with the right recipe I don't need to superfat more than 5% and I have a smooth silky feeling with no tightness or itching.
Two of my recipes:

22 ounces olive oil (71%)
8 ounces coconut oil (26%)
1 ounce castor oil (3%)
Used milk instead of distilled water


Olive Oil 20oz
Coconut Oil 12oz
Castor Oil 1oz

I cured them for 5weeks before use
I'm still new (6 months) and still trying out new recipes, but I have found that the particular qualities of the oils have more to do with how drying or not drying my soap feels moreso than the superfat.
So far my favorite is a high lard/high olive oil soap with small amount of CO and the balance in castor and sunflower.
I second lowering the CO. My skin is not a fan...even several months cured.
Thank you all. I just made another batch with only 15% of CO, will see how it is different.

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