Merry Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
South Texas
Almost one week away. Thought I'd take the moment to wish all you fine people a very Merry Christmas. In this time of giving, I'd like to acknowledge all of the people on here. Those who give their time in admin and moderation. Those that give the wonderful gift of experience. Those that ask the questions that allow others to give back what they've learned. Those that provide a smile, or a down to earth belly laugh.

Also, today, for those that celebrate in a different fashion. Happy Hanukkah. And for those who celebrate neither. I hope you have many reasons to just celebrate life.

Merry Christmas to a great group of people. :wave:
Definitely a shout out to all the people here on this Forum who have always answered my endless questions and calmed my soap anxiety troubles. Merry Christmas to everyone here and Happy Hanukkah. May everyone have a Blessed Holidays and Prosperous New Year.
Yes, thank you so much Admins and Mods! You have a thankless job, and you do it admirably!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays to everyone!
I too wish everyone a Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday

Thanks to this forum I too have learned so much and love all the terrific folks here that give so willingly of their knowledge and skills and have answered endless questions and given helpful advice.
Thank you to all that read and answer my questions, your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you mods for keeping the board in tip top shape!

Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope y'all have a fantastically wonderful time with family and friends. To folks that celebrate a different wintery holiday:

Hope your Bodhi Day was enlightening!
Hope your Festivus was the best!
Hope your Pancha Ganapati was sweet!
Hope your Saturnalia was out of this world!
Hope your Modraniht would have made your mother proud!
Hope your Hanukkah lit up the night!
Hope your Yule and Yalda left you bleary-eyed in happiness!
Hope your Newtonmas was reasonably bright!
Hope your Kwanzaa had you jumping in joy!
Hope your Chalica was good, on principle!
Hope your Boxing Day really knocks you out!

Sorry if I missed anyone's December holiday. I love that it seems the whole world is feasting and celebrating during this most joyous time of the year.
Merry Xmas to everyone, thank you for fabulous year. Thank you Admins and Mods and all the wonderful people here:) Merry Christmas
JustBeachy snatched the exact words right out of my mouth (how did you do that?).

I feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful forum with so many wonderful, friendly, good-humored, talented, generous and giving people. I'm forever learning something new! Y'all are awesome!

Nollaig Shona Duit (Merry Christmas in Gaelic), and warmest wishes to one and all!

IrishLass :)
From me to all of you wonderful people - please have a Merry Christmas!

"Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy... forgiveness. To an opponent... tolerance. To a friend... your heart. To a customer... service. To all... charity. To every child... a good example. To yourself... respect." - Oren Arnold
JustBeachy snatched the exact words right out of my mouth (how did you do that?).

Nollaig Shona Duit (Merry Christmas in Gaelic), and warmest wishes to one and all!

IrishLass :)

I'm partially psychic. Or was that psycho? I always get those two confused. :)

And keep speaking that Gaelic! I love that language, especially in song. I have a Beach Night CD, (now a mp3 mix), that I listen to every time I go to the beach, on the first night. The first song is Theme from Harry's Game, by Clannad. After years it still has the same effect on me.
Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope y'all have a fantastically wonderful time with family and friends. To folks that celebrate a different wintery holiday:

Hope your Bodhi Day was enlightening!
Hope your Festivus was the best!
Hope your Pancha Ganapati was sweet!
Hope your Saturnalia was out of this world!
Hope your Modraniht would have made your mother proud!
Hope your Hanukkah lit up the night!
Hope your Yule and Yalda left you bleary-eyed in happiness!
Hope your Newtonmas was reasonably bright!
Hope your Kwanzaa had you jumping in joy!
Hope your Chalica was good, on principle!
Hope your Boxing Day really knocks you out!

Sorry if I missed anyone's December holiday. I love that it seems the whole world is feasting and celebrating during this most joyous time of the year.

I love your all-inclusive spirit, snappyllama!

Last year around this time I was baking up a storm in my kitchen. This year I've made more soap than cookies by a long shot! Hey, it's better on the old waistline this way, right?

Happy Holidays to all!
This time of year but all year 'round, a big thank you and hugs to the mods and admins who work so hard to answer our dumb questions and laugh at our jokes, and to the fellow posters for their support and advice and encouragement.
I'm sorry if this sounds ridiculous, but I was just thinking about how grateful I am for this gift of soap. Maybe it's because I'm new at CP or because I have a soft heart, but I am amazed over and over again when I pick up one of my soaps or another's and experience the magic that is creating something out of darn-near nothing.
Truthful, mindful, grateful, every day, for this thing we do.
yes, To everyone,

Merry Christmas, Happy holidays etc, etc, etc. Thanks to the admins and mods for such a great board. :mrgreen:
Sorry if I missed anyone's December holiday. I love that it seems the whole world is feasting and celebrating during this most joyous time of the year.

Don't forget to celebrate the solstice on Dec 21 or 22 (depending where in the world you live, since it occurs at the same instant everywhere on Earth). This annually marks the longest night in the northern hemisphere (first day of winter), and the longest day in the southern hemisphere (first day of summer). In Anchorage, we'll be down to to 5 hr 27 min 41 sec between sunrise and sunset. But the next day, we'll gain 6 seconds of daylight and keep building from there -- wohoo summer is coming! I am thankful for this AND all of my soaping buddies!
Happy winter solstice to everyone!!!
I am usually shy/serious/antisocial and don't like saying nice things unless I truly mean them, but I really feel overwhelmed by gratitude.
Grumpy_Owl, I am totally with you, soap has been an invaluable help for me apart from a pleasant useful hobby. So I am too grateful to soap. And I am so grateful to this forum, to the people dedicating their free time and energy to run it and to all the people participating and supporting each other in our addiction!!! Happy holidays to all!!! :D
I want to thank all the members since there wouldn't be a forum without everyone. Thanks for helping one another, helping to keep the forum spam and troll free and helping with keeping everything running smoothly. Well...okay, not always so smoothly but everyone has off days. ;)

My wish for 2015 - peace and tolerance among all people in spite of different beliefs.

Happy Holidays to everyone!
I'd like to echo everyone's generous, caring and happy thoughts this holiday season. I've read may soapy books, watched more you tube videos than I can count, scoured internet articles, etc. But this forum combines all that in one big, happy soaping family! I wish nothing but peace and contentment to each of you through to 2015. Plus, happy birthday to all my Christmas and December born soapy friends! Peace and joy to all.....