I know what allyour answers are going to be, but need to ask before I toss the batch. I was the one who made a 2lb rain scented soap, and forgot to add the castor oil at trace. The color turned out nice, quite white base with very light blue swirls - wanted darker, but oh well....(for a newbie I'm quite impressed with my swirls-pat on the back)
I went to the lye calc and its didn't go danger danger red X, but it was a tiny bit high on the lye side. I cannot remember what percentage it was, but my question is, can and should I rebatch. Like I said in my previous post, I will re-read what to do for re-batching, and my "The everything Soapmaking Book" doesn't go into a good detail about this subject. BUT....the soap is also a little bit lye heavy. And the book says toss if lye heavy. What to do ppl??? Should I toss and learn a valuable "your need to be organized" lesson
I will post what the lye calc said in a few...Thanks all!