Lubricants revisited

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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OK, in my never ending quest to make a latex safe, flavored lubricant, I am again.... stuck!

Glycerin is the obvious starting point. I have located flavors w/o an oil base or oils added. I have chosen a sweetner, but what can I thin the glycerin w/? Any suggestions? I could add water, but what preserves are edible?
what do you mean by preserves??

Ive got KY right here...first ingredient, filtered H20, second=glycerine and third, sorbitol (a natural sweetener...dont know why its in here because its not flavored or anything..

Id prob stick with those ingredients then add your flavor...not sure what type of preservative youd need..

kind of freaky though on a side note, this KY stuff says its got NaOH in it...what does that do to the mix?? they need to sap it or something??? :?
I need to go read some lube labels at the store I guess. I would think that because it contains water it would need a preservative.
Not sure on that one...I know water goes stale but maybe its properties get changed when its mixed with glycerine, might be like how you can add CO to other oils and itll stay liquid, but alone itll go solid...kind of same difference?? just make sure whatever it is you use it doesnt contain anything that burns!!! (yikes!!)

Ill def buy some off of you!!!

what do you think they put the Naoh in there for??? that kind of freaked me out when i saw it!
The other day in the grocery store my 12 year old son picks up a package of the "his and hers" lube and yells down the isle. "Hey mom, I saw this on TV. What happens when they mix?" He honestly had no idea what he was holding. After a quick and somewhat vague whispered explanation of what the product was for, it was his face that was bright red, not mine. LOL
LOL Chay! I do wonder what happens when they mix to :lol: . Ian had once mentioned his & her lubes, 1 in peanut butter flavor & the other in jelly :lol: .
Tabitha said:
LOL Chay! I do wonder what happens when they mix to :lol: . Ian had once mentioned his & her lubes, 1 in peanut butter flavor & the other in jelly :lol: .
That depends on whether you yell "Wonder Twin Powers, Activate" LOL I think I'm showing my age with that statement
Muahahahhaha lol I almost forgot about the PB&J but you should SO make that tow of your flavors in a package!! Lol....... Id buy it muahahahah lol
I think I will market them in pair. That's a great idea! Chocolate (covered) Cherries, Vanilla Java, Strawberry Margarita, etc.

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