Let's see your lye/water container!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2015
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I don't know if you thought I was kidding, but I think it would be fun!

This is mine. It's not the greatest artistry in the world, but it gets the point across. It's on both sides of the pitcher, too. I don't skimp on safety! :p

I just use the standard 4 cup plastic measuring cups, but they are marked as well so nobody makes a mistake in getting them mixed up with my others. I noticed you have little glass dishes like mine..is that what you measure your lye crystals with? That's what I use to do mine with as well ~lol~
I used to use a plastic container but now I prefer a stainless steel jug. When I want to lower the temperature of the lye solution, I place the jug in a bowl of cold water and the metal makes it quicker to lower the temperature.
Relax - Wow! Fancy! Maybe when my kids (they are both teenagers) move out, I can start using equipment befitting of such an art, too! In the meantime, I want to make sure that their underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes don't have them drinking out of pitchers sitting in the sink.

Jstar - I could probably use something more similar to your 4 cup container. I had no idea how little water/lye one actually uses when making small batches. The little glass bowls are actually what I use to measure out any additives/fragrance oils/essential oils. The lye gets measured out into a plastic measuring cup that has a handle that my thumb actually fits into so that I can't drop it on the way to the sink. LOL.

Irishlass - I am flattered! (Especially because in my months of lurking on here, I would often think "That Irishlass is such a smart cookie!")

nframe - I haven't yet found myself wanting to lower the temp of the lye water, but if I ever do I will remember that metal cools faster. Thanks for the tip!
I too use plastic pitchers. I don't worry about getting it to cool down in a hurry as I generally make my lye in the morning and soap later in the day. I RTCP so it works for me. I don't mark mine as poison as it's just me and my husband. I don't soap when the grandbabies are around. He knows that if my pitchers are in one side of the sink he better not mess with them. At least if he want's to continue living.
Here's mine. It's a heavy-duty pitcher with a very sharp spout for accurate pouring with no dribbling. I put a folded square of waxed paper over the top right after I add the lye and keep it covered as much as possible. This eliminates a LOT of the fumes that get into the room air. Very helpful.

Source: http://www.farmandfleet.com/products/697762-accu-pour-measuring-pitcher.html

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My batches are mostly small. I lately I've been mixing in a larger tupperware orange juice pitcher but then transfer to one of these.
The ones I got are kind of cheap and LDPE so I want to get some better ones in this style.
I use the red cap or NaOH and The Yellow cap KOH.
I too use plastic pitchers. I don't worry about getting it to cool down in a hurry as I generally make my lye in the morning and soap later in the day. I RTCP so it works for me. I don't mark mine as poison as it's just me and my husband. I don't soap when the grandbabies are around. He knows that if my pitchers are in one side of the sink he better not mess with them. At least if he want's to continue living.
I do the same when mixing my 50/50 batches. Hubby knows not to touch and no soaping when the grand kids are here. My 50/50 solution is stored in hdpe bottles with a child proof cap and lye in red. My granddaughters know not to touch the bottles. Marked with lye and red x. No open pitchers of lye are on counters when the kidlets are here
I must be a very bad person I have not labeled my lye mixing container :shifty:

Its a stainless steel sugar bowl (I am still searching for a stainless jug in a charity shop)

I only soap when I am alone and I know what it is, I do live with a child but by the time he gets back it has been washed up and put away on a high shelf.

Just out of curiosity if anyone accidentally used a container that had been used for mixing lye but had been washed up how dangerous would that be?
Just out of curiosity if anyone accidentally used a container that had been used for mixing lye but and been washed up how dangerous would that be?

If it was washed/rinsed out well? Not dangerous at all. Lye has traditionally been used as a cleanser for all sorts of things down through the years. My lye-mixing utensils have been pulling double duty for me for 10 years now.

The only utensils that don't pull double-duty for me are my plastic or silicone utensils that have touched my fragrance oils.

IrishLass :)
I have been using a Pyrex measuring cup, quart size, but recently learned that lye reacts with glass, just a lot slower than with aluminum. So I'm going to use any one of my Steel vessels. Its only me and hubby at home and I soap when he is not around. My excuse for not labeling.
If it was washed/rinsed out well? Not dangerous at all. Lye has traditionally been used as a cleanser for all sorts of things down through the years. My lye-mixing utensils have been pulling double duty for me for 10 years now.

There is no need for me to label mine then. I only mix as I use, the only time it is unattended is once it it washed.
I don't have to worry about my old cat getting into my lye - he flees the room as soon as the fumes start! Since he is the only other creature in the house, I don't take extra precautions.

I just use one of the 1 qt plastic paint buckets I use to mix colors.