Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share with you all my stupidity......
I never wear gloves when making soap, but I do wear safety goggles, but tonight I learned a little (BIG) lesson....
I was removing soap from the mold and cutting tonight--Soap I poured last night (a little less than 24 hours or so ago) and wasn't wearing gloves....never do. But tonight I got a little lazy....I was feeling tired so I kinda worked at it a little, took a little break at the puter, went back and did some more....you know, not in any big hurry....
Well, the last of the 3 loaves (Strawberry Champagne, looks and smells pretty darn good so far!) I cut it up, took some pictures...whatever, but didn't clean up my mess and left the soap sitting there on the counter. Anywho, a bit later I'm like "oh yeah, better get that soap on the drying rack and into the back room" so I do......THEN I come back to the puter, completely forgetting to wash my hands (they're already pretty sore from "trying" the shavings from the lard soap I cut up earlier to see how they lathered! :roll: ) Sooo....I'm sitting here, take off my glasses ('cause I'm tired ya see.....) and RUB MY EYES! ooooouuuuucccchhhh!!!!! BURN! Now I'm feeling like a complete idiot realizing the whole time I've been getting pretty slack in my respect for the LYE, washing my hands while my eye is burning like hell, then slopping handfuls of water into my eye (well TRYING to anyway! lol!) Thinking "vinegar!" so I'm bumbling around trying to get a clean container to mix some vinegar and water into to wash my eye out....hoping the whole time I don't have to go to the hospital and get my eye removed and having to wear an eyepatch and how would that look to customers, blah blah blah a million "I'm an idiot" thoughts running through my head....
But for any of you concerned for my well being
.....the vinegar and water seem to solve the problem, had blurry vision for like 10 minutes but all seems fine now....
Now you can give me hell, I deserve it! :twisted:
I never wear gloves when making soap, but I do wear safety goggles, but tonight I learned a little (BIG) lesson....
I was removing soap from the mold and cutting tonight--Soap I poured last night (a little less than 24 hours or so ago) and wasn't wearing gloves....never do. But tonight I got a little lazy....I was feeling tired so I kinda worked at it a little, took a little break at the puter, went back and did some more....you know, not in any big hurry....
Well, the last of the 3 loaves (Strawberry Champagne, looks and smells pretty darn good so far!) I cut it up, took some pictures...whatever, but didn't clean up my mess and left the soap sitting there on the counter. Anywho, a bit later I'm like "oh yeah, better get that soap on the drying rack and into the back room" so I do......THEN I come back to the puter, completely forgetting to wash my hands (they're already pretty sore from "trying" the shavings from the lard soap I cut up earlier to see how they lathered! :roll: ) Sooo....I'm sitting here, take off my glasses ('cause I'm tired ya see.....) and RUB MY EYES! ooooouuuuucccchhhh!!!!! BURN! Now I'm feeling like a complete idiot realizing the whole time I've been getting pretty slack in my respect for the LYE, washing my hands while my eye is burning like hell, then slopping handfuls of water into my eye (well TRYING to anyway! lol!) Thinking "vinegar!" so I'm bumbling around trying to get a clean container to mix some vinegar and water into to wash my eye out....hoping the whole time I don't have to go to the hospital and get my eye removed and having to wear an eyepatch and how would that look to customers, blah blah blah a million "I'm an idiot" thoughts running through my head....
But for any of you concerned for my well being
Now you can give me hell, I deserve it! :twisted: