Laundry Soap Additional Questions

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Paladin of Soap
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Wyoming, MI
You need to use a 0% superfat soap, as your clothes do not need oil left on them. However, you can use whatever oil you like to make the soap. I think most people use 100% CO soap, though. You don't even have to wait for it to cure, just grate it as soon as it does not mash onto the grater, so at least 24 hours.
I make 100% CO with a SF of -1 for laundry. As Susie pointed out, we don't want any oils left in our clothing. I unmold and cut as soon it's done going through gel phase which is about 2 hours. I waited overnight ONCE. I thought I was going to break my knife. I grate it up within 24 hours of the cut then spread it out on lined baking sheets to dry and cure for a few weeks.

So no, you don't want to use just any CP soap. You really need to make the soap specific for laundry (or any household cleaning) use.
Wasn't there a post here where someone tested 100% lard against 100% coconut (both at 0% SF), and the coconut won out? I'm too tired to look for it, but I think the point was that the lard soap was fine, but the coconut was better. Anyway yeah, grated 0% SF (or lower, don't be afraid to go a little negative), Borax and/or washing soda (I like both). The actual ratios are a topic for endless discussion, play around and see what you like.
Wasn't there a post here where someone tested 100% lard against 100% coconut (both at 0% SF), and the coconut won out? I'm too tired to look for it, but I think the point was that the lard soap was fine, but the coconut was better. Anyway yeah, grated 0% SF (or lower, don't be afraid to go a little negative), Borax and/or washing soda (I like both). The actual ratios are a topic for endless discussion, play around and see what you like.

I remembered that too. Maybe this was the thread.