Laundry Bar

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2020
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I have been making both MP and CP soaps. I would like to make the laundry Bar, I have seen the receipes but the liquid and detergent laundry soap receipe is available buy I couldnt find any recipe for making the bar.

Can anyone suggest me the recipe for Laundry Bar
Thank you amd,

But can you give me the complete receipe

That is a complete recipe - recipes are given in % so you can put the amount you want to make into a soap calculator, which will tell you how much water and sodium hydroxide to use for that amount of oils.

If a recipe was given in grams/ounces, it might be too much or too little for the mould you want to use, this way you can make exactly the right amount.
I take 100 percent coconut oil, 17.8 gms lye and 39.8 water.. right?
Not necessarily.

That depends on how much CO you use. Here is are two examples based on different total amounts of oil:
You see that the recipe is the same, but the amounts of lye & water change when the amount of oil changes.

Calculator used: Soapmaking Recipe Builder & Lye Calculator